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"I'm sorry for being an aggressive top" Nat my girlfriend says from the seat next to me "don't be cautious," I tell her and she hums in response like she didn't hear what I said "don't be kind" I speak up to her "you're committed?" I speak softly "oh really?" she asks and I nod "and I'm your crime," I say with a wink as she comes closer to me and places her hands on my lap

"Push my buttons" I take hold of one of her hands "really?" she asks with a smirk "anytime," I say with a smile of my own but it turns to smirk as I speak my next words lowly "you got your finger on the trigger but you trigger fingers mine," I say intertwining our hands together "it's all yours darling," she says as she pulls me over to her and she put my arms around her neck as she picks me up kissing me taking us to our bed room to use her trigger fingers

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