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"Ugh! I just wish you was more useful!" Tony shouts to me as I look down flinching at his voice as I speak "I'm sorry maybe I was locked in a freezer my whole life so maybe being useful is a new thing for me" I say and he looks taken back by my words and what came out of my mouth

"What?" Wanda says and I didn't know she was there as I turn and as her but I also see the Avengers standing there after hearing the mind opener that I told them as this is the first time I've told them anything about me but I didn't mean too... I just wanted him to stop yelling as I am almost certainly going to cry if he continued

"Y/n?" Wanda says and starts to come closer but I stand up and back away from her as I don't like physical contact not after what I went through over the years with the physical abuse from my abusers and then shut and locked in a freezer

I started to go crazy a bit and soon ended up on a killing rampage and now I'm fully into it but Fury keeps me on a straight path if he can "I have to go" I say avoiding eye contact as I leave the room and I hear someone call out my name but I go to my room and close the door and stay there for the rest of the night


I get frightened by a hand banging on the freezer again and again I'm in making me scream in panic of as I know what is to come from my abusers but as the freezer opens I sit up with a cold sweat throughout my body and I see my door had been booted up so that is the loud bang I hear in my nightmare and I see someone next to me as the light turns on

"Hey, hey it's okay... You're safe" I see Natasha who sits on the bed but doesn't touch me knowing how I acted last time Steve touched me without me permission and it was pretty for the both of us involved

"Can I?" She gestures towards me and I am to shaken up to speak so I just nod so she comes a little closer and touches my hand feeling to coldness on my bed "you're freezing" she says with a concerned look on her face as she grabs the blanket next to me and wraps it around me and gently rubs my arms to help warm me up "did you have a nightmare?" She asks so I nod again still unable to speak "do you want to talk about it?" But I shake my head no as I don't want to so she nods meaning she understands

"Do you want to be left alone?" She then asks but I shake my head and grab her arm meaning I don't want to be alone right now "stay" I say so she nods meaning she will and she gets on my side and sits up against the head bored with me and stays until we both end up laying down and I fall asleep feeling better with Nat in my company and I'm not sure if she fell asleep too but I think she did as I wake up to her asleep in my bed still on other side of the bed like she didn't want to cross any boundaries of touching me while we slept witch is really sweet and honestly I think I've stated to fall for Natasha because she has been nothing but kind and helpful to me and I've never been treat so nicely by someone before

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