It Broke Me

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"Even though we fell off" I speak to Nat

"The love I have for you that's gonna last forever and I tell you right now" I pause not knowing if I'll regret this

"I still love you but my heart just couldn't go through that no more." I add and she looks down after saying that she wants me back

"The hardest part wasnt letting you go" I tell her and she looks back up at me

"The hardest part... Was understanding that you didn't want to stay so you left me..." I say as I feel the tears in my eyes

"I watched you give up on me" I say and she speaks up "please y/n... We're okay right? Nothing has changed, I'm me and you're you" she says but I frown and shake my head sadly

"You don't think that changed me?..." I ask and by voice you can tell I'm hurt

"It broke me, Nat" my voice brakes as I speak "have a nice life" I say before walking away.

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