Cry For Help

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I'm not mute but I don't speak when spoken to unless I feel like it's good enough for me to talk back to and answer

"Why are you so quiet all of the time?" Nat asks making me look up at her and Wanda but I know why I am quiet and this is actually the first time someone has asked me this so I think it is good enough to answer them

"Believe it or not" I say and the both look taken back because I am speaking they didn't expect this by the looks of it

"Silence is the loudest cry for help." I inform them and this is the first time they heard my voice, I haven't spoken in years and it sounds different from the last time I heard it but soft and smooth upon the ears

They both didn't know what to say or do as they look at eachother with the same looks on their faces before looking back at me but I look back down at my book like nothing happened

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