Autistic bullet

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I've done the calculations and I figure the best one out before taking it into action as I run over to Natasha who has her back to one hydra agent and I manage to get in between them and grab the gun off the unconscious agent on the floor that Nat has already taken down on the way before aiming at the one hydra agent and pulling the trigger at the same time as him

Time speeds back up as I get thrown back by a impact of a bullet that the agent had shot at Nat but my bullet hit them in the head making the die instantly as we both fall to the floor bleeding from the metal bullets lodged into me by the use of gun powered and a man made weapon... This is why I don't like guns... They hurt like a fucking bitch

"Y/n!" I hear a panicked voice as I feel the pain now coming into action as I see someone bend down to me and let's me lean up against them "ugh" I groan as the pain shoots through my shoulder and I drop the gun that I was holding as I feel someone putting pressure on it making me look and see the red misty energy sources that belongs to Wanda stopping the blood to the best of her abilities as I then see Nat crouch down as she speak into the coms "we need medical now" she says as she looks at me with this look in her eyes "on it" we hear a reply through the coms from agent Hills

"You took a bullet for me" she says with a deadpan tone like she doesn't know what to think or say about it before she looks up at Wanda who is focusing on stopping the blood as I wince in pain and it seemed like medical was taking a life time but soon enough I was taken to the med bay to get the bullet taken out and patched up but they had to put me under as me being autistic means I don't like people that I don't know touching me even if it is a emergency I trash around pushing their hands off of me so they had to sedate me to patch me up


This annoying beeping sound wakes me up with a frown upon my face as I feel nothing but pain over the left side of my upper body making me open my eyes but groan and the bright lights and lift my right arm up to cover them "hey" I hear Nats voice as I hear other shuffles in the room as I look with a squint in my eyes and to my right I see Nat standing next to me like she had just gotten out of the chair behind her and then the lights dim down making me lower my hand and look over by the door and see Wanda had lowered the lights for me

Not enough so we can't see but enough so it doesn't hurt my eyes and she come back over to me on my left and I see my left arm is in a sling of some sort and I frown my eyebrows even more as the pain is still here "you okay?" Wanda asks seeing the discomfort on my face "hurts" I speak with a dry mouth and I see them both look at each other "I'll get the doctor" Wanda says making Nat nod as Wanda walks out the room to get the doctor for some pain medication Nat sits back down but takes my right hand in hers

"Please... Don't ever do that again" she says making me look in her direction and squeeze her hand "I'm okay... But it was other an injured me... Or a possibility dead you" I tell her and she shakes her head and looks down making me frown upon her actions as she always keeps her head high most of the time so I sit up making her lift her head a little to look at me as I use my right hand and lift her head up even more "chin up princess... Your crown might slip" I speak making her huff and chuckle with a soft smile on her face making me smile

"You're such a hopeless romantic cliché, you know that right?" She says making my smile widen but I nod confirming that I knew this "probably from all those films you made me watch" I come back making her gasp a little at my words "hey, there the best kind of movies" she defends making me hum with a neutral tone "sure" I say but she knows I'm messing around as I sit back against the bed and lower my hand to hers as she seems better now that I've cheered her up

"Me and Wanda was so worried about you" Nat speaks up after a few seconds of silence "no need to worry... You're both stuck with me" I say and show her a reassuring smile as Wanda walks in the room with the doctor who gets to work asking questions which Wanda and Nat answer for me and Wanda listens to my thoughts if they don't know the answer to anything like what I am allergic to or what not but soon enough they give me a pain killer to help with the agony

-skip next morning-

Thankfully I was able to get out of the medical bay and go back home last night but I went to bed as Nat and Wanda also insisted that they stay to make sure that everything is ok with me so they stayed the night with me cuddling which was really pleasant and even more so to wake up to them like right now

Even if Nat is awake before me and Wanda she still stays in bed with us until we are awake but Wanda is asleep right now on the left side of me and she has been careful of my arm the whole night bless her and Nat is on my right cuddling my side with one arm over my waist that gets to my left arm as she gently strokes my arm with her hand knowing that it is my bad arm and I feel her kiss my cheek making me smile and squeeze her waist with my right hand a little as it is resting there "I never did say thank you" she says softly not to wake Wanda

"You would of done the same" I know I am right and she does too as she hum meaning she would "I know but... You took a bullet for me y/n even if you knew it could of kill you... You still did it" she says making me look down towards her and kiss her head firmly as I lift my right hand to her head as I kiss her head and stroke her hair out of her face "and I would do it again if I had to" I say and this makes her lift her head and look at me "but I don't wish for that to happen... We can't and don't want to lose you kotenok" she say making me look into her eyes that are already looking at me "you're stuck with me weather you like it or not... I'm a parasite an uncurable virus that's attached to you and Wanda" I reassure her to the best of my abilities even if I've never been good at it I would always try my best and it seems like it has worked by the look on Nats faces

"That's good to know" she says with a small smile before leaning over to me and pressing her lips up against mine in a sweet and lovable kiss as both of her hands cup my face as she hums in content making me put my right arm back around her waist pulling her closer if possible and I can feel her slowly climbing on top of me straddling me as we kiss before she pulls back and looks at me as I do keep my eyes on her but hardly making eye contact now that I'm blushing

"Hmmm, what a good morning this is" we both hear Wanda's husky morning voice making us both turn our head and look at her seeing her looking at us both with tiredness in her eyes but a gentle smile on her face and I think me and Nat get the same idea as we share the same look and Nat smirks knowing what we are thinking so we both roll over to Wanda as I make sure not to hurt my shoulder and Nat straddles Wanda as we both pepper her with kisses making her giggles fill the room 

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