I'm an atheist

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Nat lifts her gun and aims it at me "I'll put so many bullets in your head, god won't even recognize you" she says as the rest of the Avengers looks between us not knowing what to do and I look at her with a neutral expression

"I'm an atheist" I say and then start to smirk as I see my next words "fire at will" I add as my smirk puts her off as they others seemed shocked by my comment as I walk closer and make the barrel of her gun touch my forehead "pull the trigger" I say making her seem taken back

"Fuck... Do you mean it?" Wanda says making me pull back from the gun and look at Wanda and remember what she told me "you said it yourself..." I say as she frowns but possibly knows what is coming "one bullet to the head and it's all over" I say and she starts to shake her head in disbelief of my words but I look back at Nat and wait for her to pull the trigger but she doesn't

"Come on" I say impatiently to her but she steps back and puts the gun down with this look on her face "you need therapy... Now" she says putting her gun away and I start to laugh witch makes her look up at me as I do "what's so funny?" Steve says as I calm down and look at them

"You should have killed me when you had the chance" I say and with a flick of my wrist, my powers make purple dust and clouds appear around me and engulf my body taking me away from the tower and leaving the Avengers with then last words.

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