No Just Cuddle

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Nat's POV

Y/n somehow managed to convince me to play against her in a one vs one in game best out of five and we have already played two games and I see Wanda walk into the room seeing me and y/n in bed with me behind her with my back against the head board and y/n's back against my front as we play and I see Wanda make her way over to us and I see a little pout on her face "what's the matter baby girl?" Y/n says as the game pause seeing the look on our girls face as we watch Wanda crawl on the bed

I watch as Wanda presses her front against Y/n's front so she wraps her arms around Wanda and kiss her head and stay like this for a few seconds as Y/n and I had to move our hands for Wanda to cuddle us and I then hear Y/n mumble against Wanda "you okay baby?" Y/n asks as I feel Wanda's hands land on my thighs rubbing up and down in content and I put the remote that was in my hand down

I then use both of my arms and wrap them around my girls pulling Wanda closer then before as I kiss the top of Y/n's head as I hold them "cramps" we hear Wanda mumble as y/n has her arms around Wanda too rubbing her back smoothly "aww baby, want me to go get you some pain killers?" Y/n suggest but Wanda groans meaning that's a no and y/n chuckles as the grumpiness of our girlfriend "nooo... Just cuddle" Wanda mutters into y/n's chest and that's is exactly what we do and later one we order pizza

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