I'm an atheist 4

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(A/n I honestly have no idea where this is going but some reason I jus kept writing so err... Yeah this is what came out of my brain when I was half asleep so if you find anything that doesn't make sense o isn't spelt correctly just ignore it or move on please and thanks xoxo-Lara)

I then cross my arms over my torso still looking at her and she speaks up again "so why don't you tell me how you are really feeling?" She asks making me take a moment but answer her in the most blunt way I can think of at this moment "annoyed" I simply answer and she raises an eyebrow at me "you asked, I answered" I add and then uncross my arms and think of an idea to make her leave quicker

I uncross my arm and put them at my side as I then walk over to her and she frowns a little seeing me getting closer to her "but what about you Natasha Romanoff?" I ask and I get in front of her but I invalid her personal space as I think making her uncomfortable with make her leave if I act unpleasant and insufferable maybe then she will leave my room quicker

I think it is working as she backs up against the post of my bed frame so I am extremely close to her but not so that we are touching "y/n stop it, I know what you are doing and it isn't going to work" she tells me meaning I have to do more than this "are you telling me to try harder Romanoff?" I ask and she keep my composure together but I can see this look in her eyes

"Because I can" I mutter to her as we make eye contact "but you won't" she tries making me lightly huff "wanna bet?" I question with a soft whisper to my tone and she take a little moment to answer "stop" she almost whispers and suddenly her whole mannerisms start to change almost like she is starting to crumble so I can't stop now "why agent Romanoff? Am I making you uncomfortable?" I ask slightly bending down to her height as I am a little bit taller than her but she looks back up to me

"That's not what I would call it" she says making me a little confused by her choice of words "then what would you call it?" I ask as as she holds the eyes contact with me and I sense her gulp "I would say that I'm..." She pauses like she is preparing herself for her next words

"Aroused" .... Wait .... What?.... No she's messing with me she is just trying to make me back down to stop this "very funny, I almost believed you" I express my thoughts with just that sentence "it's not a lie" we are still holding eye contact with one another "really?" I play along but she know I don't believe her "yes" she looks down at my lips and damn she really is good at acting so maybe pushing her over the edge will make her break hmmm, maybe, I might as well try it but I really hope I don't break while doing this... But if she doesn't do it then I know she is lying but if she does... Well uhh... Fuck... Here goes nothing

"Prove it then" I command and her eyes lift up to mine "what?" She asks making me smirk having a hunch that she is acting "I knew it, you was lyin-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as my eyes widen as she had grabbed my face with both hand and pulled us both in and pressed our lips together with a soft but pleasant kiss and I don't think she is acting anymore but... Then again she is Natasha Romanoff so maybe she would go this far?... Ugh this woman is so hard to read!

I hadn't noticed that my eyes had closed as I kiss her back still trying to keep my composure upright and I seem to be doing a god job until she removes on hand and grabs my waist and pulls me into her so our body's are touching as pressed flush together as she comes back in after breaking the kiss a little but if she goes further I know she isn't lying but a kiss isn't going to prove much by now

But I feel her swipe her tongue across my bottom lip making me frown a little bit as I am admit sure if she would make out with me if it is acting but I guess I'll have to find out so I allow her entrance which she takes advantage of and pushes her tongue into my mouth and she wasn't kidding okay she isn't acting... Right?... Ugh this woman is so confusing and such a good actress...

I feel the hand that was on my waist start to travel up my shirt as her fingers tenderly rake the side of my body and I can feel my walls that I built are mentally breaking down the more she does to me to I take control back for myself and use my right hand and grab her neck just under her jaw and pull back from her as I put pressure on her neck and pin her against the wooden pole of the bed frame

"Uhh" that sound shocked me even more as that is definitely a moan coming from her and as I pull back I look into her green orbs and see complete vulnerability and pure truth lerking in her eyes... She isn't acting... "You're not acting" I say as I remove my hand from her neck and step back a little giving back her personal space and room to move and breath "I told you I wasn't" she tells me as I finally break eye contact and turn around thinking to myself

What the fuck do I do now?... If she hasn't been acting this whole time then... She really is aroused... Oh my god... She really knew what I was trying to do and was being honest with me this whole time and I've just been pressuring her since she got here but then why didn't she just leave?... Fuck... I'm such a fucking... Ugh! I'm so fucked up in the head that I can't think properly but if she felt so uncomfortable and pressured or anything why didn't she leave?

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