~Chapter 21: Conformation~

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(Y/n)'s POV

When Shorter left the room without saying anything to me, I got up and closed the curtains. It was getting dark outside and Shorter still wasn't back. I'm sure he'd be fine, he can look after himself. It took me a while to notice I was still wrapped in a towel. When I finally realised, I quickly dried my body and changed. I didn't have any clean clothes, so I put on my underwear and Ash's hoodie. The bed I fell onto was soft and comfortable, much nicer than what I was used to.

Ash got out of the shower at the same time Shorter got back, a small plastic bag in his hand. Shorter fished something out the bag and then gave what was left to Ash. I watched the whole exchange from where I was sitting. "Oi! Why do I have to do it?" Ash complained, rolling his eyes at Shorter. "Coz ya do?"
"Screw you."
"Okay, when?"
"Mother fu-" Ash didn't finish his words as he strode over to me casually, passing me the bag in his hand. "Shorter bought these. Use one if you want. When you're ready obviously." The plastic bag was dropped on my lap and Ash walked away. The bag contained many different pregnancy tests from different brands. I stared down at them, not quite sure how to react.

"Sorry if I went a little overboard... I didn't know which one to get." Shorter chuckled  nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "No no, its fine. Thanks." I got up from my bed and carried the of tests to the bathroom. I took one test from four different boxes. My hands shook as I opened and used each one. The longest one took 5 minuets to get results, so I'd wait five minuets before looking at any of them. I placed the by the sink upside down and sat on the toilet lid, bouncing my leg with impatience and nervousness. Those five minuets seemed to take hours. When the alarm I had set for them finally went off, it made me yelp and jump sideways. I managed to hit my head on the corner of the sink shelf, it didn't bleed but it hurt. My eyes closed tightly as I fumbled to turn over each test.

"Its now or never, (Y/n)." I mumbled to myself, slowly forcing my eyes and peering at the test. I fell to the floor, crying out in anguish. Three of the tests had a very clear two lines, the third simply said 'pregnant' on it. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I yelled, tears slipping down my face. Ash and Shorter burst into the bathroom after hearing my cry. I looked up at them from where I had curled up on the floor. "WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW? I CANT MOTHER A CHILD!" Ash attempted to place a hand on my shoulder. I say attempted as I swatted it away roughly. I was beside myself. No amount of consoling would have comforted me. "I cant do this... I cant. I just cannot." I cried into my knees, rocking my body side to side. I have never felt this amount of fear, and that's what it was. Fear. Pure fear. "Please... just leave me alone." I caught a glimpse of Ash's face as he and Shorted left. He look upset but above all, angry.


I hated seeing (Y/n) like this. She looked like her mind had just imploded on itself, releasing every negative emotion a human could possible feel simulatiniously. Seeing someone you care about so distraught, hurts worse than any wound. Yeah, I cared about her. No, I hadn't know (Y/n) very long, but I had taken a liking to her. I wanted to hold her close. I wanted to do cheesy stuff like hold her hand. I really wanted to kiss her again. This time because I wanted too, not to ask her to do something. Damn I've gotten soft... but I'm fine with that. If its for her, I'll do it.

"Hey hey hey! Earth to Ash?" Shorter waved his hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. "Dude you zoned out for ages then. Thinking about how badly you wanna kiss (Y/n)?" I looked at Shorter and with a straight face said, "Yeah."
"Woah okay. I was not expecting that." He chuckled, patting my back. "You really like her, eh? Well, I'm pretty sure she feels the same. Oh god, imagine what your guys will do when they found out you've got a girl!" He laughed as he walked over to his bed and flopped down onto it before I could hit him. 

"If any of my guys lay a finger on her, I'll blow their entire arm off." I replied with all seriousness, glancing back at the bathroom door. (Y/n)'s unbearable crying had come to a stop. I pushed open the bathroom door slowly and looked at the girl curled up on the floor. She had cried herself to sleep. I squatted down and picked her up, cradling her in my arms. As I lifted her off the floor, (Y/n) woke up and looked at me. She then nuzzled her face into my chest, clutching onto the shirt I was wearing. My lips curled into a smile as I looked down at the mess of (h/c) hair in my chest. I carefully carried (Y/n) to her bed and placed her down on it, covering her with a blanket. When I tried to pull away, fingers wrapped themselves around my wrist, weakly tugging me back. I got what she wanted and crawled into the bed next to her, keeping my distance of course. Clearly distance was not what (Y/n) wanted. She shuffled closer, nestling her face into my shirt once again. I gently stroked her head and her breathing slowed down, telling me she was asleep. Shorter smirked at me from his bed. In return, he got a lovely look at my middle finger.

Once that was done, I slowly sank downwards and rested my head on (Y/n)'s pillow. My face got buried in her beautiful (h/c) (h/l) hair, and like that I fell asleep.


Uh so what is this? A fluff and some angst? I honestly dunno...
OOoOooh~ Is anyone picking up on the references? There has been a Haikyuu one and an 'In Another Life' one that wasn't in this chap.
Dont read 'In Another Life', its so sad 😭(It is good tho, so if you wanna read it it is on Archive of our own. But be warned, you will cry :D)
Have an amazing day/night,

 But be warned, you will cry :D)Anyways,Have an amazing day/night,~Author-Chan❤

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