Chapter 90: The Unloved and Unloving

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Song: This City
By: Sam Fischer

Blanca's POV

The Lee mansion, that belonged to Yut Lung, was a large place filled with many diferent corridors and hallways. Even though I had been staying here for a couple weeks, I was still yet to find where they all lead to. In all honestly though, I didn't care all that much.

I knew where Yut Lung would be this evening, so I made my way there. "Excuse me." I knocked on the door before pushing it open, revealing a relaxed Yut Lung with a champane flute in his hand. "You're back." He slurred, swirling the light coloured liquid around the glass. "I heard he didn't die. Damn his luck." The young man chuckled, taking a large swig of his drink. I sighed, stepping further into the room. "Are you drunk, sir?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Me? Yeah right. I'm dry as hell." He laughed to himself again, the remainder of his drink threatening to spill. I moved closer, removing the glass from his hand. "You should stop. Champane will give you hangovers." I told him gently, turning to walk away. "Goodnight."

"Didn't you want to tell me something?" Yut Lung asked knowingly before I could leave. "Yes, but it seems tonight isn't the best time for it." I didn't turn around, my back staying towards him. I heard him stand up and say, "Then why don't I tell you something instead. Sit." It wasn't really a question, and I was reluctant to stay. "Mr. Yut Lung..."
"Sit! I order you to!" He shouted suddenly. I sat down opposite him with a sigh, wondering what it was he had to tell me.

"So, have you ever gone to Hong Kong?" Yut Lung asked me calmly, pulling his robe back over his chest a little. "A few times."
"What did you think?"
"It's a beautiful, mysterious city." I answered carefully, not knowing how he would react but telling the truth. "It's my hometown. My father was Lee Hong-Lung, the most powerful of all overseas Chinese. He controlled all that was light and dark." He started, refusing to look in my direction. "But my mother was a poor street vendor's daughter. She became his mistress when she was ten. My father was 65 then. Grotesque, is it not?" I scowled at the thought of a child being forced to have sex with this old man. It's even worse if she was made to have children as soon as she could. Yut Lung took in my expression for a moment before carrying on.

"My mother was 'aquired' by my father. He took good care of us. He knew I'd probably be his last child. But he suddenly died when I was 6. My brothers came barging in. They raped my mother and killed her. I was held back in Hua-Lung's arms, watching my mother being eaten by demons." When he finished, Yut Lung walked over to me. He had this odd expression in his eyes that I couldn't quite work out, but it definitely had hints of sadness. "So, what do you say? Don't I have a right to hatred?" He took the glass from my hand, holding it up to my face as I gazed back at him. "How about Ash? Jeered at, trampled on. Didn't he feel any hatred? Didn't he curse anyone? I can see it. His anger. Under his cold beautiful face is the devil himself. I know it." The young man before me chuckled, his hands going up to his face as the champane flute fell to the floor. "It's not fair, trying to save himself. He should know he can't be saved by such a frail thing."

I sighed again, standing up and trying to place a hand on Yut Lung's shoulder, only for it to be slapped away. "I don't need your sympathy!" He shouted angrily, turning and running from the room. 

I didn't hold it against him, how could I? He was only a child, really. Just sixteen years of age. A child who has never expreienced the warmth and strength another person could bring you. Yet, I understood his pain completly. As I too, was once unable to love or be loved. And what a lonely place it is.

Ash's POV

"After we get in, we'll move in groups. Leaders, memorise the blueprint and all the escape routes. They'll be waiting for an ambush." I explained to the men gathered around me, arms crossed over my chest. "We're ready for it." Cain added with a confident smirk. I nodded at him before returning to what I was saying. "We won't die in vain. We're all coming back alive." I finished, making eye contact with a few of the guys as they let out some cheers.

Later that night, as we were preparing to set off, a car pulled up nearby. None other than Blanca got out, calling a 'Hey' as his greeting. He was wearing a blue and yellow jacket, his hair tied back in his usual classy ponytail. With one last glance around, I walked over to him to find out what he was here for. 

"You're looking busy."
"What are you doing here?" I wasn't interested in his small talk, so was blunt and straight to the point. "Want to hire me? I got fired. How about 50 million bucks?" He grinned childishly, showing me his five fingers while he leaned forwards. "50 mill...? Are you crazy?" I yelped back, obviously shocked at the amount he wanted. "Okay, how about 500 plus a dinner. Does that sound better? Costs aside, how about it?" Blanca regained his normal expression, but it was broken by a small smirk.

"I guess we could use another driver." I returned his smirk, gesturing to the car beside us. An expensive Uber, but oh well. "It's a deal then." Blanca smiled, walking around to the drivers side and getting in. "So where to?" He asked once I followed, getting in beside him on the passenger side. "The National Mental Health Institute."
"Okay." And with that, the key was turned in the ignition and the acr eased forwards.

Once he had spun the car around in a rather agressive way, Blanca was a fairly calm and considerate driver, keeping the speed exactly on the limit and always using the blinkers. But he was going in the wrong direction, and when I asked him about it, he just replied with "Gotta make a quick stop." I didn't know what that meant, so I simply sighed and leant back in my seat.

What I was not expecting, was for Blanca to stop outside a hospital and hand me a long white coat. "(Y/n) is hospitalised here. She's out of ICU and is in the general ward now. Cops come around to check at 12:00 on the dot. Go, you may never see her again." The serious look in his eyes stopped me from questioning him. It was a look I knew all too well. So, without any further convosation, I slipped on the coat and got out of the car.

The next chapter may be sad, so be warned
Honestly tho, I'm not the best at writing sad stuff. So we'll see how it goes

Have an amazing day/night,

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