Chapter 50: Breakfast

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Song: Boys Will Be Bugs
By: Cavetown
At this pint, I dunno what songs I've used and what I haven't so I apologise for any repeats😅 


It was late when I got back an the apartment was silent, aside from a couple of my guys who were chatting quietly among themselves. I hear a few of them call 'Welcome back' and, 'Boss.' in a hushed manor when they spotted me. I simply nodded in return, heading straight towards the room I and (Y/n) were sleeping in. Although I'd hate to admit it, it had come to a point where I couldn't rest properly without her. Sounds stupid, but having (Y/n) around was comforting, something I wasn't too use too.

Pushing open the door to the room, there was a groan as a ray of bright light hit the bed. (Y/n)'s head popped up from under the covers, her hair messy and eye still half-closed. "Ash?" He mumble in a raspy voice, shielding her eyes from the light by pulling a pillow over her face. "Mhm, it's me. Wait a minuet, I'll be there in a second." I replied, closing the door and getting changed. By that I mean I removed my jacket, shirt and pants, leaving myself in a pair of boxers. I then quickly pulled on an oversized button-up shirt and climbing into the bed, watching carefully as (Y/n) instantly shuffled towards me.

"Did I wake you?" I asked, running a hand through her (h/c) hair. She simply shook her head, finding my free hand an playing with my fingers. "I wasn't asleep. I couldn't sleep." (Y/n) sighed, interlocking her fingers with mine and letting them both rest on my stomach. I pulled a blanket over the both of us, but mainly (Y/n). I'd be warm enough with just her, but I wouldn't want her to get cold.

(Y/n) POV

When I finally woke up, Ash had gone, leaving a dip of crumpled sheets where he had lay. A thick duvet was wrapped around my shoulders. I snuggled into the warmth, breathing in the comforting smell of clean sheets. There was some muffled mumbling from the living room. I stood up, not bothering to change as I was already fully dressed. My head ached from lack of sleep as I made my way to the room, where the voices were coming from. 

Ash and Eiji were sat at a table, weird smelling food set out before them. Ash stared down at it, a look of confusion and disgust on his face. I pulled up a chair next to him, eyeing the food with curiosity. "What's this?" I asked, picking up a pair of chopsticks and snapping them together aimlessly. "Dried horse mackerel and boiled spinach. And some rice and miso soup." Eiji replied, grinning with pride. Ash picked up a small bowl of of a smelly something or other. "That's natto." Eiji smiled, also picking up a small bowl of 'natto'. I quickly noped out, heading to the kitchen to find something else to eat. Besides, there was only two places set out on the table. 

I found some bacon in the fridge, along with some eggs. (if you are vegan/vegetarian just swap these things out for something you can eat) Poking my head around the corner, I saw Ash with natto running from the corner of his mouth. Holding back a laugh, I watched as he took a bit of the dried horse mackerel, spitting that out too. "Ash." I chuckled, catching his attention. He sent me a look that said 'save me'. "Actually, never mind." With a smirk, I turned back into the kitchen to cook my own breakfast. Once it was done, I plate it up and went back into the living room. Once again, I sat down next to Ash, smirking even more as he eyed up my food. "Eiji, that all looks really goo but I'll let you and Ash have it, since he seems to be enjoying it so much." I smiled sweetly, Ash glare at me swiping a piece of food from my plate. "Oi! Don't be rude! Eiji as spent a long time preparing this food for you, eat it!" I grinned as Ash took another mouthful from my plate. I slapped his arm lightly, getting up and sitting down on the sofa behind the table that faced a TV and out a window.

"I'm full. Thanks for the smelly Japanese food, Eiji." Ash mumbled, also getting up and heading back to our room, presumably to have a shower or something. Or maybe not. I heard the front door open, followed by it being closed quietly, When I got up, Ash's coat and gun were gone, and so was he.

Have a great day/night,

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