Chapter 102: Army Jacket

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Song: Brother
By: Kodaline

(Y/n)'s POV

Everyday for two weeks I went back to the hospital. Everyday I saw Ash laying still, just as he has been the day before. Nothing had changed. His state hadn't worsened, which was good, but it also hadn't improved. He still lay montionless, only his chest rising and falling slowly with deep relaxed breaths.

I'd sit in the room for hours at a time, talking about anything and everything. My brother would wait ever so patiently outside, I'm not quite sure how he managed it. When I asked, he always told me that he was reading the entire time, but I didn't believe him. Sing occasionally came too, but he was busy taking care of his gang, as well as helping Alex with Ash's. From what I had heard, Ash's boys had been quite unsettled and nervous since hearing about their leaders condition. It was understandable. They relied on Ash for safety and reassurance, and were slightly lost without him.

When Sing did visit, he would tell me and Ash about the on goings between the gangs. Cain hadn't been seen in a while, it was thought he had left New York, but no one knew for sure. It was from Sing that I heard about Dino's death. It was a shock, but a relief none the less. Bones had also dropped by a couple times, mostly to check up on me. It wasn't that he didn't care about Ash, he did, but Bones had a strong belief that Ash would pull through. He didn't doubt it for a second.

And then there was Eiji.

He has gotten the first flight he could back to America, much to Ibe's dismay. He was tired and jet-lagged, but still rushed himself to the hospital upon landing to see me. I cried when I saw him, and he cried when he saw me. He was the one who had brought me the most comfort during this whole dilemma. He was truly my best friend, and I cared about him just as much as I did Ash.

Over the course of two weeks, many different doctors, nurses and neurologists came to check up on and do examinations of Ash. I asked when he would wake up, over and over, but their answer was always the same. "We don't know." or "there's no telling when he'll come around", always the same answer, always the same solemn expression.

It was one of those days where I feared he would never wake up. That I'd never see those stunning jade eyes again, or hear his laugh. I was out of my wheelchair now, and was knelt down beside Ash's bed. I held his hand against my forehead, crying softly into his pale skin, silently praying and willing him to wake up.

I cried myself to sleep right there on the hospital room floor, my head resting on the mattress by Ash's hip, my hand still holding his by my face.

That's when I felt it. At first I thought I was imagining things, but it happened again. My eyes painfully opened, watching as slender fingers slowly twitched and curled themselves around mine. I gently squeezed back, choking back a sob. I kissed his knuckles before standing up, keeping a hold of his hand. "Ash..." I whispered quietly, placing a kiss on his forehead. I held it there for a short time before reluctantly pulling away. Without moving, I called for a nurse.  

The young nurse who had been taking care of Ash came rushing in, a worried expression taking over her face when she saw my tear stained one. I glanced at mine and Ash's intertwined hands, and she followed, finally catching on. "Oh my god..." She muttered, turning and running out the room and calling for another nurse or whatever she called for. I wasn't paying attention. I was focused on Ash and the way his fingers were tightening around my own, my vision becoming blurry with tears.

The first nurse, Danielle, came back with an older doctor I had never seen, and an extremely worried looking Eiji. The doctor examined Ash, looking for any other signs of consciousness aside from his fingers gripping mine. "Miss (L/n), look." The doctor smiled at me, then at Ash. His eyes were open. Those brilliant green irises peaking out from beneath heavily-lidded eyes. They stayed open for a short time, staring off at nothing, before slowly closing again. That action just made me sob. I rested my forehead against Ash's hand, crying heavily. 

A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me, and they didn't belong to Eiji. No, Eiji was just stood by the door in shock. "(Y/n)..." He breathed, his voice no louder than a whisper. The arms squeezed me tighter, their muscles flexing as the person also began to weep into my shoulder. A head of short, prickly dark grey hair pressed against my skin. They smelt faintly of cigarette smoke and fresh flowers. I turned my head slowly to face this unfamiliar person, and was shocked to see the unmissable camouflage pattern of the US army. The name badge on their right side read 'Wong'. 

I paused for a moment, my body tensing as I processed what was happening.


Well, I have a faint idea
We'll find out together :)

Have a great day/night,

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