♏Day #124: S e c r e t & P r e t t y puns

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♏Day #124: S e c r e t puns

⍝The professor's explanation of centripetal force waspretty down-to-earth but her explanation of centrifugal force just blew me away.

⍝The doctor blood-tested secretarial candidates before hiring to eliminate type-O's.

⍝A secretary indented her car after leaving too narrow a margin.

⍝A secretary for a hardware store has to file more than nails.

⍝If you give your sweetie pretty flowers will she turn on her flirty powers.

⍝The compensation received by the Italian chef was apretty penne.

⍝I heard the AAA meetings are pretty charged up!

⍝I'm a secret hoarder.

         ⏚I've kept that to myself.

⍝Most airline food is pretty bad,

         ⏚but their haggis is just plane offal.

⍝This is some pretty good tapioca.

        ⏚That's one way of pudding it.

⍝In the novel, there is an unexpected secret meeting of the lovers.

         ⏚It is a plot tryst.

⍝What did the revolutionary pigeon say at the secretmeeting?

        ⏚Coup, coup.

⍝For a long time,

        ⏚black holes were a dark secret.

⍝When the spinning disc toy was created,

         ⏚it was a topsecret.

⍝A cloud is most likely to snow when it's relaxed.

        ⏚At that time it's pretty chill.

I'm glad I know sign language,

        ⏚it's pretty handy.

Why do people study gravity?

        ⏚It's a pretty attractive field.

My brother is a logger, the job can get prettydangerous.

        ⏚He hasn't had an injury yet though, knock on wood.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall -

        ⏚and a pretty good spring and summer, too.

[SLEEPING AT SCHOOL IS REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE , P.S. this is like really not the way its supposed to be, like with the bold and italics, because my friend wants her phone back ._.]

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