≍Day #149: All & A p r i l & F o o l s puns

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Day #149: A p r i l & F o o l s puns

Foolish potters make wisecracks.

≵Popeye had just finished plucking a goose when a gust of wind scattered all of the feathers.

        ⋨He said, 'Well, blow me down.'

≵Finding all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets is not a matter of If but Venn.

I believe I will be able to run my car on politicians promises but I'm having trouble with the foolinjection system.

≵I used to enjoy steak and cheese with my eggs,

        ⋨but it's all ova now.

≵Of course you know about the self-taught comedian who made a fool of himself.

Some foolish people gain by experience many perils of wisdom.

≵Dermatologists are very competitive.

        ⋨They all have skin in the game.

≵After hours of waiting for the bowling alley to open,

        ⋨we finally got the ball rolling.

≵Of all sports humor, football is my favorite.

        ⋨I get a kick out of the punts.

≵What kind of flooring do alligator hunters use?


≵Did you hear about the farmer who got attacked by a cow?        

        ⋨He milked it for all it was worth.

≵The mother kangaroo tried to instill good financial habits in her baby.

        ⋨She told him to pocket all hisallowance.

≵When all my electrical engineering friends at the baseball game did the wave,

        ⋨it was almost like having a phased-hooray.

≵I saw gasoline selling for one dollar a gallon, but then I saw that March had just ended.

        ⋨It was an April fuel's joke.

≵If I think I've seen an idiot before,

        ⋨is that a case of dejafool.

≵When the King asked the fool for a joke the fool just shrugged.

        ⋨He was the court gesture.


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