☗Day #80: B u s i n e s s - S t o r e puns

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Day #80: B u s i n e s s - S t o r e puns

❀ Attention staff! The clothes keep falling off the mannequins in ladies' wear.

        ✿Would someone please redress the problem?

❀ I'm not happy with this Origami clothing.

         ✿It always looks creased no matter how carefully I fold it.

❀After carelessly plucking her eyelashes while shopping for a corsage,

        ✿Rose couldn't see the florist because of the tweeze.

❀When Plato discovered he was out of food,

        ✿he decided to go shop at the stoa.

❀ So, how's the flower business going?

        ✿Oh, it's blossoming quite nicely.

❀ I searched for designer compression stockings.

        ✿My wife says it is because I'm so vein.

❀ It's amazing how stores take Valentines day to heart.

❀ Their business plan for a flower shop was cut and dried.

❀I was looking for watch batteries but I wound up at a clock shop.

❀ At shoe stores they believe there's dignity in de feet.

❀The second hand clock shop had to wind up business as time ran out!

❀The jeweler pinned his hopes on broaching the argument first.

❀ Old calendars are outdated.

❀ Trophy shops often will give customers floss with their purchase to eliminate plaque problems.

❀ Grills are a hot item.

❀She owned twenty shoe stores and was very well heeled.

❀ Buy a chicken franchise and you'll soon find out your pecking order.

❀Look for an auto scrap yard at a junk-tion.

❀ He wanted to buy a load of soil that didn't cost the earth.

❀When Socrates needed to buy food he went to the grocery stoa.

❀A range-finder is a person who goes shopping for a new stove.

❀The predatory prawn shop skinned many an octopus alive and put a lot of suckers on squid roe.

❀ The exhibitionist went to the store because he heard they were having a flash sale.

❀You won't feel the squeeze with this great juicer deal.

❀Shine your shoes when they're new to keep them squeaky clean.

❀ A silk tie can make a winsome Windsor. 

 I promise to edit all of this tomorrow, but for now, enjoy the numbers D:

this has been fixed 

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