➻Day #144: H a p p y & B i r t h & D a y puns

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Day #144: H a p p y & B i r t h & D a y puns

If you spend too long commuting every day half your job is line dancing and brake dancing.

When a duck is feeling down he might just be happy.

I yam always very happy to eat sweet potatoes.

My tennis opponent was not happy with my serve.

        ☁He kept returning it.

An elevator makes ghosts happy because it lifts the spirits.

When baseball umpires aren't happy with their pay they call more strikes.

I'm not happy with this Origami clothing.

        ☁It always looks creased no matter how carefully I fold it.

The fruit farmer was plum happy he pruned his orchard last fall.

People have a happy time vacationing in Ireland because they are walking on Eire.

She's happy to make a pair of pants for you,

         ☁or at least sew its seams.

Many people need to learn to be happy with the State they are in.

A lot of shady characters are waiting for their day in the sun.

With a little boy who is always happy in the morning we could watch the son rise and then the son shine.

        ☁This gave birth to the concept of the 'royalty-free image'.

After a long trek through the wilderness sleeping in a creek bed I was happy to get back home to my creaky bed.

Henry the VIII portrayed the monarchy badly.

My friend gave me a book about puns for my birthday and I loved it.        

        ☁It was two meaningful.

After Gus gave his girlfriend a 3 dollar box of chocolates for her birthday he got nothing but snickers.

A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was ticketed for littering.

Bell, Bark and Kennel, a novel by Ivan Pavlov,

        ☁chronicles the birth of the Salivation Army.

Those who reach their 42nd birthday celebrate it with fortitude.

There was a snake that gave birth to a bouncing baby boa.

Can Napoleon return to his place of birth?

       ☁Of Corsican.

When a cow gives birth she not only gives cream,

        ☁she is de-calf-inated.

I'm buying a birthday present for a sculptor.

        ☁Can you chip in?

The day Lee became a father someone mentioned

        ☁'apparently you're a parent -- Lee'

Two lovers who had been apart for some time were reunited on a foggy day.

        ☁One whispered to the other 'I mist you'.

Every November, Mark,

       ☁a member of MENSA,

               ✘wishes his peers 'Happy Thinksgiving!'

[I don't know about you but I like this setup c: I don't understand whats wrong with the characters D:]

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