⋡Day #150: P u n & D a y puns

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Day #150: P u n & D a y puns

≛He put an orange in his boxing glove

        ∊so he could have a fruit punch.

≛He arrived late at the party to find

         ∊he was beaten to the punch.

≛A prisoner's favorite punctuation mark is the period.

        ∊It marks the end of his sentence.

≛'Pun' backwards is nup.

         ∊And a nup is a nup is a nup.

≛Boxers who are always on time for their bouts are verypunchual.

Salt water puns are a bunch abalone.

≛A pun can be made on any subject except

        ∊a king who isn't a subject.

≛A pun is its own reword.

Are puns for children or groan-ups?

≛A hangman telling a joke can be cord-ial but

        ∊he will string you along to the punish line.

≛Authors lives are punctuated with good writing periods.

Seven days without a pun makes one weak.

≛A man who wore lots of after-shave lotion was

        ∊quite apun-gent man.

≛The brightest day of the week is Sun-day

What you can buy for a dollar these days is absolute noncents.

≛A guy bought a skipping rope because his doctor prescribed pills for two days running

        ∊and then skip aday.

≛In the old days yelling at your neighbor across the street was a long distance call.

Students who accent their textbooks with color markers add a real highlight to their day.

≛A politician decided to resign on the day of an eclipse because

        ∊it was a dark day.

≛For many people cats are the purrfect pet that they like to paws with after a busy day.

A skier who loses a race on a cold day will have a frosty disposition.

≛Waiting for her photos to be developed a young girl sang

        ∊'Some day my prints will come.'


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