2. Interesting Kid

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Sam pov.

"So.. his name is Yusuke." Tian said to me at our practice today after school.

We are members of school basketball team. And actually Tian is the team captain. He is stupid and always do crazy things but that is the main reason why he became the captain. Because he is crazy. So he can manage people well with his craziness. Or should I say, people is scared of him when he started being crazy.

"Yusuke? Like japaneese?" I asked him curious.

Tian nodded his head, "Maruyama Yusuke. I guess he has a japan blood on his family."

"You guess?" I asked him puzzled.

Tian is always the best person to get any kind of information. Well he knew a lot of people, that's how he got his information. But he is guessing right now. It never happened before.

"Yusuke is a hard one. He never spoke to anyone. Hell you saw it yourself he didn't even answer to any of my question about him. He'll just either nod his head or shake his head. And that's all! He never answered any of my 'need explanation' questions."

Tian is now yelling at me. I'll smack his head if he's not talking about Yusuke right now. But I know that he is feel frustated because of him. So I'll forgive him.

Anyway he's doing all of this thing because I asked him to. I want to know more about Yusuke. And it's been 3 days  since our new semester, no one ever speak to Yusuke just like what Tian said.

Aside from his name, no one knows anything about him at all. Like where is his old school, or why he move here at the last year of school. Tian is right, he's the hard one to get close.

But still I want to be close to him.

"Why are you so curious about him by the way?" Tian asked me seriously after he calmed down.

Because he's beautiful. Is Tian gonna think that I am weird if I said my real reason. But I never hide anything from Tian before, so..

"I don't know, I'm just curious about him." The lies is just comes out by itself.

I don't even blink, damn I'm such a good liar.

"Well I guess it's because no one ever treat you like him before." Tian said again.

So he realized it too.

A smile raise in my face, "I know, right. I guess that's why I found him interesting."

Maybe because we're being friend for a long time, Tian and I sometimes really think the same. Like we share the same braincells.

"And he's beautiful too."

Okay it came out by itself too. I guess I'm not a good liar after all.

"He's what?!!!" Tian shouted again.

He's being too loud right now that everyone is looking at us. I smile over everyone and hold Tian's hand to sit back and shushed him with my eyes. I wish there was no one here right now so I can smack his head with all my might.

Tian is so damn stupid.

"I mean, he is good looking, but I won't say he is beautiful because dude, he's a guy." Tian chattered with half voice.

"But still he is beautiful. He has this bright brown eyes. I've never seen someone with that beautiful eyes before. And the mole below his right eyes, I find that it's beautiful too." It is already said, so I'll just spill it all.

Tian said nothing.

"I wonder if the mole is real or maybe it's just a dirt or something. What do you think?" I asked him for real because I keep thinking about this too.

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