64. That

275 19 3

Sam's pov.

Too short. It really is too short. My holiday. Our holiday. With Yu. Damn it. Why is it so short? Why is it so fucking short?

"We haven't go to the beach.." I muttered softly. "Or amusement park, or mountain.."

Yu blinked his eyes looking at me. "But we've done it all.."

"I know, that was months ago Yu! We should have do it again at our holiday last week."

But here we are, at school again.

"Well.. things happened.." Yu said in the smaller voice.

"I know.. I know. Damn it."

I shouldn't have said it to Yu. Now he looks sad.

"Isn't it great that we're back to school?" Yu then asked.

I opened my mouth, I almost said no. But hell, I'll be really damn to say no. Yu likes it, Sam.

"Yes.. of course.." I said in the end smiling widely to Yu.

Well I tried to look at the brightside. I am with Yu. That's the only brightside actually.

We're get down from the car and walked towards the class. I hate to admit it but I do a little miss this school.

"You're okay?"

I was startled when someone came from behind us, and even more startled when I saw that it was Jack, and he circled his hands around Yu. Why would he do that. So I slapped his hand, and put my hands on Yu's shoulder instead. I am the only one who can do this.

"Ray told me. Sorry I couldn't see you at the hospital." Then Jack said.

"It's okay, you don't have to see me. I'm fine." Yu replied with a soft smile.

Jack smiled at him back. I was waiting for him to say something to me, but Jack said nothing.

"You don't ask me too?" I can't help not to ask Jack.

"Well you look fine." Jack said with a straight face.

I don't think that he care about me. Well not like I want him to care about me. But he could at least pretend to be care. Couldn't he?

Jack said nothing more. He ruffled Yu's hair before he finally left. Yu just laughed softly. But I glared at Jack from afar. How dare he?

"Come on, Sam.." Yu said with soft giggles.

Then when we got to the class, many more people asked about how Yu is. It's good that people is now care about him, they're getting know more about him, but what is this feeling. Why am I hating it when people kept trying to get close to Yu?

"You're jealous?" Tian asked softly.

I rolled my eyes. I'm not jealous.

"They're care about Yu more than you."

That's definitely not the reason for my jealousy.

I mean. Okay. I am jealous. But not because people care about Yu more than me. But because they kept getting close to Yu. That I don't even have the chance to.

"You will keep doing that?"

The lesson started. So no one is around Yu anymore. But now he's busy with his book.

But then suddenly he asked me that. What did he mean?

I just blinked my eyes. He could read my mind. I don't have to bother to say it out loud.

"Will you keep looking at me?" He asked again softly.

I smiled softly then nodded my head. He should have known that his face is my favorite. Of course I will keep doing that.

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