6. Call me YU

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YU's pov.


I got surprise when my name is being screamed suddenly. And even more surprise to know that the person who screamed my name was Sam. What he's doing right here.

But that's not important right now. I was too surprised and my feet is suddenly losing its balance and shit I might really die right here, right now.

I don't wanna die.

My whole life flashed through on my head, that's what happen when we're about to die but then I can feel that my hand is being pull to the other side.

Thank God Sam grabbed my hand at the right time and he pulled me away to his side.

We fell down together, I mean I fell on top of him. But my mind is blank right now. I really almost die.

"Are you crazy?! What the hell you doing right there?! What if you fall?! What if I couldn't reach you?! Do want to die?!"

Sam is yelling at me. But why is he so angry. It's not like I want to jump anyway.

"Are you crying?" Sam suddenly asked, he's not yelling anymore.

And I just realize that I am crying.

"Yusuke.." He called me with the softest voice and tried to look at my face.

No wait, I don't want him to see that I cry right now.

"Yusuke, sorry.. I didn't mean to yell at you. I mean.. I.." he said again.

Don't talk like that, it makes me want to cry more. Gosh why am I suddenly become such a crybaby. And worst is in front of Sam. This is really embarrassing.

But I just can't stop my tears. I mean Sam is trying to hug me now, I didn't want to at first but then again Sam has a bigger body than me and my whole body is shaking right now so I don't have any power to kept resisting him.

So I let myself being in his embrace. We keep like this for quite long time. My heart is beating like crazy. But he kept patting my back and it really helped me to calm down.

My tears is stopping now and my hand is not shaking anymore. Then I remember about Sam's question earlier. He asked if I want to die.

"No.." I answered him quietly.

But it's take a long time to answer this, I don't know if Sam understand what I'm talking about.

"I don't want to die." So I said it more. But somehow my voice is not comes out well so it's like I'm whispering. I hope he heard me. I don't want to repeat my word.

"I know. I'm sorry." He told me softly.

He heard it. But why is he sorry. Because he yelled at me? Well he did sound scary back then. But actually it's not because of him that I cry. Should I tell him. What should I say.

"Have you calmed down now?" He asked me.

I nodded slowly.

"Do you want to stay like this?" He asked again.

Stay like this? Oh I was too deep in my thought that I forget I was still on his hug. But what can I say, it felt comfortable. I feel my face is getting hot again.

"I'm sorry.." he said it again while wiping my cheeks. His hand is really soft. 

"No.. I.." I think I need to explain that I'm not crying because of him. He looked really sorry. But how I explained it again.

He laughed softly. I like his little laugh.

"You don't have to say anything. It's okay." He said.

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