8. Jealousy

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Sam's Pov.

"So this is the coffee shop you mentioned that time?" I asked Ray.

Turn out this place is Ray's. He was bragging that he opened a new coffee shop few months ago and asked me to come because it's near my school. But I never really listen to him so I don't remember it.

So the owner Yu mentioned who nice to him is Ray. What the hell.

"I never thought that you will be friend with Yu. I mean I did help Yu to get in that school and I knew that you're studying there too, but it is a great coincidence, isn't it?"

Ray really likes to brag about himself.

Wait, "You helped Yu to get in the school?"

But again, the school is actually belongs to Ray's father. It doesn't surprised me that much, but why. 

Ray smile faintly. "Well he's working here since the first day I opened this shop, and that time I just.. helped him out of his trouble."

"What trouble?" I asked Ray curiously.

Ray looking back at the door behind the bar, Yu hasn't come out from that room.

"Well.. I'm not the one who can talk about his situation, Sammy."

I stared at Ray. Damn, he speak maturely sometimes and this is just the perfect time. Now I'm curious about what happened to Yu that he needs to move to new school, with Ray's help.

"You called him Yu." I mumbled softly.

"To call him Yusuke is too long so I just shorten it out." Ray answered easily, he heard me.

So he shorten it out himself. Or maybe Yu asked him the same as me to just call him Yu. Or maybe again, Ray is actually the first person to called him Yu and that's why Yu said that only people who close to him calling him Yu. 

My head is a mess right now. This is annoying.

"Why are you so quiet?" I turned my head to Tian who sit beside me, tried to distract my mess thought.

Since he got inside the shop, he said nothing more after just mumbling that he'll come here everyday. But look at him now, he don't even say anything and just keep looking at Ray with his stupid face.

"How is the cake?" Ray asked him with a business smile.

I rolled my eyes, the way Ray talk to Tian is way too different than with me. He treated Tian well as a customer.

"It's.. it's good." Tian answered stuttered.

I never heard Tian stuttering like this before. And he never likes cake before. What's wrong with this dumb-ass.

"You have your drink already?" Yu finally came out and asked.

He's wearing a white folded long sleeve shirt with blue jeans, and the apron is in different color with Ray's which is black, Yu is in brown color, so I was right, he looks amazingly beautiful.

"No, Sam said he wanted to try the coffee you made." Ray answered teasing me.

I didn't actually said that but well he's not wrong so I just keep quiet. And Yu's red face right now is really worth it. For the first time I feel thankful to this useless cousin of mine.

Wait no, he was useful I should have thank him because he helped Yu to get in the school so that I met Yu. But no I won't say it to him, or Ray is gonna brag about it all the time.

"What coffee do you like?" Yu asked from behind the bar.

I walked towards him and we're facing each other now. Well the bar table is between us but still.

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