38. Hesitation

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Sam's pov.

I can't sleep all night. And when the morning come, I don't want to get out of my room.

I think so much for whole night that it feels like my head is going to explode any time soon.

But I'm a man. I have to face it.

I have to keep my word.

I have to keep my promise.

"Where is Dad?" I asked in surprise because Mom is sitting alone on the dine table this morning. And there is no way Dad is late for breakfast.

"He had an urgent call earlier and gone." Mom answered lightly.

I cleared my throat trying to hide my smile. Dad is not here, so I don't have to give him the answer now. This is great, so I have time to think about it more.

About which word and promise I have to keep.

"Have you decide?" Mom asked.

I was about to bite my toast but I put it down, I lost my appetite right away.

"Can I just.. study here, Mom?" I tried to bargain.

"No Sam. What will people say if the only son of Lin study here and not abroad?" Mom glared at me.

"Why do you have to listen at what people say, and not to what I say?" I asked her back.

Mom opened her mouth and kept staring at me. I stared at her too, she looked surprise, well I never talked back at her. This is the first time.

"What make you change your mind anyway? You always said that you want to study abroad and get out from here. That's what you always said since you were 10. That you want to be an adult and get out from this house." Mom said seriously.

I got silent. I mean she's right. Mom is right. That was what I always said back then but what, I changed my mind now.

"Why you change your mind?" Mom asked again.

I said nothing. I already know the answer. It's just that I can't say it in front of her.

"Is it because of the person you go with the other day?" Mom asked again.

I glared at her right away. Did she know?

"This is about me, Mom, it's my own choice, don't bring anyone else in this matter." I said seriously.

"Exactly, so why would you affected by anyone else in this matter?" She asked again.

I sighed. Talk with Mom is always exhausting.

"I have to go." I said left my untouch toast. It's such a waste but I rather left it untouch than to listen to Mom's never ending nagging.

"Your Dad will be back on three days, you better have your decision on that day." Mom yelled before I got out from the house.

Three days. Damn it. How can I decide such an important thing in three days.

"I thought you won't pick me up today too." Yu said as he get in the car.

I just smile at him. My head is still a mess but seeing his face make me feel better a little.

"You okay?" Yu looked at me worriedly.

"Um." I replied slightly nodding my head and smile wider, "Let's eat first, I overslept so I didn't have breakfast."

"Auntie let you go without a breakfast?" Yu asked in surprised.

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