41. Doubt

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Yu's pov.

"Where is Sam?" Tian halted his step when he saw me get in the coffee shop alone. 

"He needs to go home." I said lightly walked to the room to change my clothes. 

"His Dad is home again?" Ray asked too.

"Um." I answered shortly then left them to get in the room. 

I let out a long sigh after I closed the door. 

My face feels so hot. I must be crazy. Why would I let Sam kissed me earlier. What if anyone see us. But how can I refuse him. He's too hot. And his kiss felt so good. 

I slap my own head. I must be crazy. I shouldn't imagining his kiss right now. I have to work. 

There aren't a lot of customers today. I wished I was busy with works so that I'm not keep thinking about Sam. But I guess it can't happen. I kept worry about him. 

"Have you met Sam's father?" I asked Tian whose busy at making something at the bar. 

Tian lifted his head to looked at me then nodded a little. "A few times."

"Is he scary?" I asked again. 

Tian nodded his head again but he's back focusing on whatever he's making. 

"He is scary." Tian said softly. 

That must be why Sam was really stressed before he meet his father. But no matter how scary a father is, isn't it still nice to have a father. 

"Did Sam tell you about his father?" Ray asked and stood beside me.

"Well not exactly about his father but he told me about his deal with his parents." 

"What kind of deal?" Tian put down his glass and focus on me. 

Wait, it's okay to tell them right. 

"You can tell us, Yu. We asked because we're care about him. Sam won't tell us about his problems anyway. But we need to know so that we can help him." Ray told me softly. 

"He's more stingy than you think." Tian added. 

I laughed softly. Well they're kinda right. I have to force him to talk before he told me everything. But still there are some parts that I didn't know about him.

"It's not a big deal. He just has to study abroad for college." I told them casually. 

"Well.. that's kind of the tradition on our family. More like the pride of the family so that the son has to study abroad for college." Ray explained slowly.

So that's how it is.

"It really is not a big deal, he should have known about it since he's a kid. So he's been stressed about that these past few days?" Tian asked in disbelief.

I nodded slowly. 

Tian furrowed his eyebrows then suddenly opened his mouth, "Ah.. he doesn't want to leave you.."

I cleared my throat softly and avoiding his gaze, and Ray's gaze. Ray likes to tease me about Sam these days. 

"So you prevented him to go?" Ray started the tease.

"Of course not. I told him to go." I said as I stared at him.

"You really told him to go?!" Tian asked me again in disbelief. 

I nodded. I did.

"Why?" Tian asked again. 

"Well I don't want him to risk his future just because of me." I said like what I said to Sam earlier. "I don't want him to fight his parents because of me."

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