31. Boyfriend

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Yu's pov.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked Tian as soon as he get off the car.

I got off the car too, but I don't want to see Tian's face. He kept smiling creepily, he must be saw us kissed in the car before.

"Well somehow I had this feeling that Yusuke will be late today, so I got here to help Ray." Tian replied in teasing note and still have that smile on him looking at me.

Is it okay if I hit his face? He's here everyday why should he used me as a reason.

"You're late." Ray startled me. He stood in front of the door, with both of his hands on his waist.

"I know, I'm sorry." I replied him smiling guilty.

"Because of Sam?" He asked again now glaring at Sam.

I laughed softly. These two didn't know the meaning of the word peace at all.

After that day, I back to my normal life. My new normal life.

No one talked about that day anymore or whatever happened on the past. Sam didn't asked anything about him anymore. And I don't know how, he never show up in the school anymore.

That's good. Of course. I thought he will keep coming until I meet him. But it's good that I was wrong. 

"Have you eat?" Ray asked me while I check on the coffee stock at the bar. 

"Um, I ate earlier at school." I replied him.

"So he feed you well." Ray said again lightly.

"Sam?" I asked to make sure. 

Ray said nothing again. I just laughed. Ray always has this love and hate feeling towards Sam.

"Yusuke, Yusuke, try this. I made it my self." Tian gave me a slice of cake.

I squinted my eyes to the cake, it looks normal, but Tian never made anything normal. Yesterday, he made a coffee with watermelon slices on it. And he forced me to try it, and I couldn't really say if Tian is weird or genius.

"You made it? What's on it?" I asked first being cautious. 

"Try it first, and guess." He said smiling widely. 

I don't want to. Would he feel hurt if I said no. 

"It's good, really, trust me, I tried it before." He said again try to convince me. 

I looked around, Ray was out to clean the table outside, Sam is not here today, he said he'll be back at night to pick me up. Where is everyone when I need their help.

"You sure?" I asked Tian again.

Tian nodded his head passionately. I couldn't refuse him.

"Okay then.." I said softly and grab the spoon to taste his cake. 

"No wait, don't."

I could hear Ray shouted from the door but it was too late. I already ate the cake and it taste disgusting. I shouldn't say disgusting about food but.. I threw up right away.

"Yu hates coriander." Ray said quietly.

I rinsed my tongue with water in the sink then glared at Tian after I heard Ray. He froze behind the bar table looked at me worriedly. 

"You put coriander on the cake?!" I asked him bewildered. I even raised my voice. 

"Well, it is a coriander cake." Tian said pointing the cake on his hand proudly. 

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