52. Happiness

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Sam's pov.

Wait, where is Yu. Damn it. I left him down there.

Damn Sam. Stupid Sam. How could you left him there, alone, with mom.

But how could I get down there after what I said to mom?

Am I too rude to her?

But what with the sudden change with her trying to be a good mom?

Why now?

I don't know. I don't care. Damn it. Should I get Yu here?

No, it's okay. He'll be here any second.


Or minutes..

Damn, he took so long.

Did mom say anything to Yu? Did mom say anything bad to Yu?

And you left him Sam! Damn!

Okay, that's it. I have to save Yu.

I was about to get out from the room but then Yu was right there, standing outside my door and smiled softly when he saw me.

"Hi." He said with his smile.

"Hi." I said back automatically smile at him.

"You okay now?" He asked softly.

Wow.. I don't know why but Yu looked extra attractive just now. His smile, his eyes, did mom say something good to him? Really?

"How about you? Did mom say something to you?" I was curious.

Yu nodded his head slowly. "Can I get in?" Then he asked.

Oh I just realized that I was blocking the doorway. I moved aside slightly and pulled Yu's hand to get in. We need to talk anyway.

"What did she say to you? Did she say something bad? Gosh Yu, I'm sorry, really. I shouldn't have left you there alone with my mom, I don't know it just.. I.."

I was blabbering anything inside my head and then I realized that Yu just staring at me with a soft smile on his face.

I always like his smile, but doesn't he want to say something instead of just smiling attractively like this?

We're stop saying anything and just kept staring to each other for a whole minute. Until Yu suddenly pull me to him and hug me tight.

It was so sudden that it surprised me. But well, of course I didn't resist him. I hugged him back, putting my hand on his back and even patted him softly.

Did mom really say something bad to him?

"What did my mom say to you?" I asked him softly while stroking his back hair.

"A lot.." Yu replied softly.

He rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his chin poked my shoulder, it's tickled but still it's fine for me.

"Is it that bad?" I asked again feel sorry for him. My mom could be really bad with her words.

Yu shook his head slightly. "No. It wasn't bad."

It must be bad. Damn it. I shouldn't have left him alone with mom.

"I'm sorry Yu.."

Yu released his hug and stared at my face. "You're the one who suggested about the magic words."

Right, I forgot about that. "I love you, Yu." I said then peck his left cheek and hugged him again.

I could hear Yu giggling softly. But he said nothing and just stay on my embrace.

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