57. Party

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Sam's pov.

Jack told me everything. The coincidential meet with Aaron. The talk Yu had with Aaron. Everything. Or so I guess.

He even told me how Yu cried for almost 15 minutes after he talked with Aaron.

That stupid jerk. How dare he made Yu cried for that long. That's why his eyes were all swollen. He cried that long. For that jerk. Damn it.

I don't know why I'm angry. Is it because Yu talked with his ex behind me. Or is it because Yu cried because of his ex.

Any way, I am angry.

But not to Yu. Not to Yu. I will never get angry to him.

I am more angry with myself. Why didn't I insist to go with him. Then I'll be next to him when he met with that jerk. Then I'll be the one who confronted that jerk. Then I'll be the one who protected Yu from that jerk. Then I'll be the one whose there for him when he cried.

Damn the situation.

I didn't come back to the tent yet even after I'm done talking with Jack.

Jack told me not to blame Yu because he did it behind my back. He said that Yu just didn't want me to worry about him.

I know. I know how Yu is.

But aint I his boyfriend? He even said that I am the best boyfriend.

What's the use of being the best boyfriend if I can't even help him in this kind of shitty situation.

Okay, okay, I am angry with Yu.

Damn Yu. Why are you so selfish?

He once angry to me because I didn't tell him about my problems but what? He did exactly the same. That's cheating.

Should I scold him? But he's sleeping.

I guess I will scold him later then.

Damn it.

This is frustrating.

"What are you doing here?"

Tian came out of nowhere and asked me.

I just realized that I haven't seen him after we set up the tent this afternoon.

"Where were you go? You didn't show up in that stupid activity earlier." I glared at him as he was the one who called to come back and follow it.

But he didn't.

"Well, as you said, it was stupid. I don't want to waste my precious time to pick out some trashes." He said while rolling his eyes. "Not that I don't want to do a good thing, it's just I don't want to do it right now. You know what I mean, right."

I laughed dryly. Just if he didn't call me to get back here and do that activity, Yu wouldn't meet Aaron.

Damn it. So it was Tian's fault after all.

"Where is Yu?" Ray asked looking around us.

The sky is getting darker. And people were busy preparing something in the centre park. I guess they'll held another activity tonight.

"Sleep." I answered shortly.

"Sleep? Is he sick?" Ray was about to go to the tent to check Yu out but I stopped him.

"Let him rest for a while." I told Ray. "He's not sick, he's just tired."

Ray stared at me for quite sometime. He might not believe me but whatever. As long as he leave Yu alone. He needs to rest.

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