77. At the same time

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Yu's pov.

"How long have you wake up?" Sam asked me after Mom gone.

I smiled softly to him, "Long enough."

Sam gave me back his soft smile, then he patted the empty spot next to him. I wasted no time and sit there. Sam put his hand around my shoulder, as I laid my head on his shoulder.

I just miss him so much.

"You okay?" Then he asked softly.

I chuckled softly. "You're the one whose sick, Sam. I should be the one whose asking you that." I told him. But I was in such a comfortable position, so I didn't lift up my head while talking to him.

"I'm just afraid if you're sick because you worried about me." Then Sam said.

I finally lifted my head and stared at his face. He has this annoying smirk face. The smirk he always had whenever he teased me out.

The annoying smirk that I miss it so much too.

"I miss you, Sammy." I told him softly.

Sam sighed softly, then he pulled me into his arms, "I miss you so much too, Yu."

I hugged him back, it's so comfortable, in his arms like this, hugging him. I want the time to stop right now. I don't want to let go of him.

"Did you hear everything?" Then Sam asked.

"You and Mom?" I asked to be sure.


I keep my head on his chest, as Sam started stroking it slowly.

"I heard the part when she said that she will divorce your dad if he doesn't accept us." I told Sam honestly. But to be more honest, I was awake even before that.

Sam giggled softly. "Mom is ridiculous."

"Well, she's awesome." I told him my opinion.

"She is." Sam muttered softly agreeing with me.

Then I heard the grumble on his stomach. I moved right away and stared at him. Sam closed his face with his hand, he probably feel shy about it. It was actually funny, but it also makes me realize that Sam must be starving. He slept the whole day yesterday.

"You must be starving." I said while giggling softly.

"I guess I am." Sam said shyly.

"Let me buy you something." I said softly. This is not eating time, waiting for the food from hospital would be too long.

"No, wait." Sam held my hand before I get down from the bed. "Stay. I'm not that hungry." He said softly.

But his stomach said the otherwise. It's growling again.

"You sure?" I giggled softly as I look at his stomach.

"Just stay here, please." Sam said softly as he pulled my hand.

Well, he said it with such a cute face, how could I resist him.

"Let's go to the beach properly someday." Sam suddenly said after we just stay quiet for a while, sitting side by side, holding hands, and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Properly?" I asked him in curious. Is there a proper way to go the beach?

"Um." Sam replied softly.

I turned my head to look at him. "How?"

Sam brushed my hair to the back while smiling charmingly. "Walk by the shore while holding hands like this, play in the water, then sit on the sands with coconuts on our hands, something like that."

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