71. Sudden thought

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Sam's pov.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. But I can't keep like this.."

No Yu.. Please..

"I'm leaving.."

Don't leave me.

"I'm sorry.."

No. Yu.. Don't leave me. How can I live without you. Please..

"Yu!" I woke up abruptly calling out his name.

Damn it. That was such a horrible dream. And it feels so real.

"Um? Sammy? What's wrong?"

I turned my head back to look at Yu whose trying to open his eyes and look at me.

Damn, I even woke Yu up.

"No.. I'm sorry.. let's go back to sleep." I said quietly, patting his chest gently to make him back to sleep.

I look at the watch, it's 2 a.m. Morning is still far.

But Yu still open his eyes and staring at me. Is he awake?

Yu smiled softly then he extended both of his hands. Does he want me to hug him? Well, that is definitely an offer that I can't miss out.

So I reach out his hands, then Yu pulled me to him, and let my head lay on his chest. Yu then kept stroking my head slowly. This is nice.

"Bad dream?" Yu's voice echoing on my ears as I stick my ear on his chest.

"Um." I replied softly.

Yu kept stroking my head. "It's okay, I'm here." He said quietly.

I chuckled softly. This is the words that I want to hear the most today. That he is here. With me.

I lifted my head to look at Yu, but found out that he's already close his eyes. He's already back to sleep.

I laughed softly and changed my position to make my arm as Yu's pillow.

It will feel sore in the morning, but this is my favorite position while I'm sleeping with Yu. Because this way, I feel like Yu is really here with me and he will never leave me. This way, I can feel that Yu is mine.

And a second later, I follow Yu to the dreamland.

"Rise and shine, mothafacka!!"

I woke up by the loud voice of Tian and glared at him right away. Why did I forget to lock the door last night.

Yu also flinched and woke up, looking blankly at the source of voice.

Tian clapped his hands and keep shouting, "Come on, come on, wake up, we're leaving in 30 minutes!"

Damn Tian. His loud voice makes my head dizzy.

"Leaving? Where?" Yu asked quietly with his hoarse voice.

"We're going on vacation!" Tian shouting excitedly.

"Huh?" I asked at the same time with Yu.

"Oh come on guys, the weather is too nice to be wasted on sleep! Let's go outside!" Tian still shouting excitedly.

But 30 minutes later, we're already on the car, and the rain is pouring really hard.

"I thought you said that weather is too nice." I said to Tian in straight face.

"It was." Tian replied with a straight face too.

But then I heard Yu giggles softly. Well as long as Yu happy.

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