29. Use me

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Yu's pov.

Sam asked everyone to get out, of course I was grateful, but then he stayed. My heart started beating fast again. It always happen when it's just the two of us. And now it's even worse because of what we did before.

I kissed him. I mean, he said he wanted to kiss me, but I kissed him first. Like for real. And it was his first time, but I did like I have more experience. Would he think like that? Would he feel like, I don't know, maybe disgusted by it? Because I have experienced.

"Yu." He called me.

I turned my head to look at him. He look handsome when he has this serious face.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked softly then sat down across of me again.

I giggled softly. He really like to sit there.

"Hm?" He asked again. He looked worried.

I shake my head slowly. I'm thinking about you. It's a little embarrassing to admit that.

Sam sighed and start to hold my hand again, I guessed he like to do this too.

"Are you thinking about him?" He asked slowly looked down to our hands.

Did he mean Aaron. That's right. I should have thought about him. I kept thinking of him before when we talked about him, me, Evan and Richard, but as soon as they got out, and it's just the two of us here, all I could think about was this person in front of me.

That was what happened too yesterday.

Sam always helps me get my mind off Aaron into him completely. He helped me forget Aaron.

Maybe it's unfair to like Sam just because he helped me get over Aaron, but... still, I like Sam.

"If I said that I was thinking about you.." I said quietly and Sam immediately lifted his head to look at me. I smiled at him, seeing his face like this always make me want to tease him even more.

"Will it make you want to kiss me again?" I asked him while giggling softly.

Sam widened his eyes and opened his mouth but no words came out. He looked flustered. And somehow he tried hard to hide his smile.

I mean why does he have to hide his smile, I don't mind if he smiles widely. He looks good when he smiles.

"Did you just.. tempting me?" Sam asked slowly still trying to hold his smile and put on a serious face.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know.. are you tempted?"

Sam couldn't say anything again. Then I just giggled at him. So does he.

"No.. wait." He said shaking his head vigorously. "Don't try to distract me." He said again with now a real serious face.

"From what?" I asked trying to look innocent.

I actually know what he wanted to talk about, but it just, it kinda hard to talk about it now.

"You know what I want to talk about." Sam said like he could read my mind.

I smiled faintly.

Sam had said this before too. Sooner or later, I still have to talk about this.

"Can we talk about it?" He asked softly, looking at me with his big eyes. "Can I know about it?"

How can I say no if he looked at me with those eyes.

"How long you know Tian?" I asked him softly.

"Since we were 7 so.. 10 years." Sam replied easily.

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