22. Missing

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Sam's pov.

We finally got into class after so many question from everyone about my injury. I was actually forget about it for a moment after what happened earlier.

Who was that guy? Yu's friend? But Yu said he wasn't. But he knew Yu. He called him Yu. I guessed he was Yu's friend from his old school. He's wearing a different uniform. But why did Yu say that he wasn't his friend. And why did that guy looked at Yu with so much affection? He looked sad. Yu looked sad too.

Damn it. My head is full with so many questions.

But when I'm looking at Yu now, how could I ask all that questions I had. He doesn't look fine.

Yu just stay quiet. After he met that guy, Yu hasn't said anything, at all. But he had no expression on his face. More like he looked really blank.

Among all the commotion that had happened earlier when everyone was asking about my condition, Yu didn't even react to anything. He just stood there, avoiding everyone's gaze then took the opportunity to sneak out into the classroom. Leave me behind.

And when I finally get into the class, Yu was kept looking outside. He glanced at me once when I came in and smiled faintly then cast his gaze back outside.

I keep looking at him, but it seems like Yu doesn't want to talk about it.

"Sam.." Tian whispered quietly turned his head to me.

I looked back questioning him with my eyes.

"Should I find out who that guy is?" He asked still in whisper.

I smile proudly, well sometimes I am proud to have friend like Tian.

Tian nodded his head, "I'll ask around." Then he turned his gaze to Yu, "Yusuke doesn't look okay."

I nodded slightly. That's why I can't even ask if he's okay or not. He would be say that he's okay, but that must be a lie. I hate it when Yu lied to me.

Before the break, Yu has already put his head on the desk and slept. When the break bell rang, he still didn't move. So I tried to wake him up.

"Yu.." I called him softly.

He still doesn't move.

"Yu.. Let's eat." I haven't give up.

He still hasn't lift his head but after a few seconds, I could see that he shook his head slightly.

I sighed. What should I do now. I thought Yu need his time to be alone. But how could I leave him in this condition.

"Yu.." I called him again softly almost like whispering. Seeing him like this is hurting me.

I caressed his hair and finally decided to give him his time, "I'll buy you food. Sleep a little more."

He's not responding. I was hoping a little nod but Yu doesn't move at all. It makes me hesitate for a second, is it really okay to leave him alone.

My hand is still on his head, then I feel a little movement, he finally nodded once. I smile faintly, once again caressed his hair and finally leave him alone.

3rd pov.

- flashback -

"Yu.. Yu.. wake up. Let's eat."  Aaron tried to wake Yu up.

Yu has slept since the first class, it's the break time already but he still hide his head between his hands on desk.

Yu was shaking his head slowly. "No.. I want to sleep."  He answered lazily without lifting his head.

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