12. Practice

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Sam's Pov.

So today after school, just like what Yu said, he really watched me practice. I mean I hope he just watching me. But anyway, seeing Yu's face on the bench aside the field is a great feeling.

"Stop smiling, you look like an idiot." Tian said to me while dribbling the ball.

"No.. I can't. I'll keep smiling until my lips torn, it's worth the pain." I told him again being cringy.

Tian scoffed softly and pretend that he will throw the ball to my face. My instinct reflected to dodge him. But of course he won't throw the ball for real.

Well but even if Tian really threw it to me, I guess I won't be mad to him. I am too happy today.

We played for quite long time. I always enjoy playing basketball. Dribbling the ball, running away from side to side, throwing the ball to the ring, and the satisfied feeling when the ball get into the ring and I scored. That's the best feeling. Plus seeing Yu's face who is smiling time to time when I looked at him. Life is indeed beautiful.

After I feel that my body is all burned up and it was sweating all over, I asked time to rest for awhile. Well that is I really need time to rest, and I can't let Yu just sitting there by himself.

"You're great." He said right after I sat beside him. 

I smile proudly. "You can play too?"

Yu shake his head slowly with a smile, "I don't really like sweating."

I suddenly wanted to tease him. So I wipe my forehead which is full of sweat and wipe it on Yu's hand. Yu was surprised by my action but then he laughed it out and smack my hand. Then we are laughing together. I still trying to give him my sweat and he kept smacking me.

I don't usually like this touchy jokes with anyone but of course Yu is the only exception.


Someone called me from behind while I was still enjoying the atmosphere with Yu. It was annoying but I have to respond to it anyway.

"Hi." I said to the girl who called me.

It's the girl from the canteen accident earlier. Wow, she still has the gut to talk to me.

"I bought you this."

She gave a bottle of water. But for a second I saw her glancing over Yu. Well Yu was looking at her too at first when she called me but just for a second, then Yu turned his eyes away to watch the game ahead.

"Thank you." I said heartless to her. It wasn't the first time people bought me water. So I just took it and put it here. The other member will drink it eventually.

"Can I watch it too?" The girl asked.

I raised my eyebrows to her, why should she asked for permission.

"Just watch it. You don't need to ask." I told her.

She cleared her throat and point the bench where I sit with Yu.

"Can I watch it from here?" She asked again.

What was her name again. She is damn annoying.

Yu turned his head and look at the girl, "Oh, you can sit here, I.."

What the why is Yu giving up his seat. 

"No." I cut Yu, and told her firmly.

She looks surprise, Yu too, but no, still I won't let her sit here and let Yu go. Who the hell she thinks she is. 

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