81. Weak

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Sam's pov.

"Damn it, I lost him."

Ray said soon as he entered the room with his scary face.

I don't understand what is going on. Yu left after he said sorry, Ray shouted and chased him out. Tian followed them behind. And now, Ray is coming back, angry, and alone.

What about Yu, where is he?

"He turned off the tracker. How can he do that?" Ray mumbled quietly then clicked his tounge.

Well, that tracker thing, I did that. I deleted it from Yu's phone because.. just because. But guess it's not the right timing to confess it.

"Where is he going?" I decided to ask since I won't find the answer except I ask.

Ray turned his scary eyes on me. But he didn't say anything. What the hell.

"What should we do now?" Then Tian asked.

Um since when did he come in? I didn't see him coming.

"Find him." Ray replied to Tian.

And he didn't answer my question yet.

"Where is Yu going?" I asked again, a little louder this time. I'm not scared of Ray anyway.

Ray just let out a sigh. It's really confusing. What the hell is happening. I was sleeping like an hour, two hours, but what did I miss? What could be happen between those two hours?

"He's going to find Aaron." Then Tian finally answered me.

It took me a second before I realized it.

"Why would he go to find Aaron?" I asked quietly. Then I remember the conversation I had with Tian before I sleep. Which is it suppose to be a secret from Yu.

"You told Yu?" I asked Tian right away.

"Hell no!" Tian replied so fast. "He- he heard us."

"Damn." I cursed softly.

It was my fault too.

"He's not picking up his phone." Ray then said after who know how many times he tried to call Yu is.

"Of course he won't." I said softly. He's pratically run away from Ray. Why would he pick up his phone.

"You look calm." Then Ray suddenly said. To me.

"I thought you'll get panic and try to find him immediately. Like that time." He continued.

Well I'm not calm. It just, it all happened all of sudden, and I just woke up. I just don't know what to do.

"Let's wait for him." Then I said.

Ray and Tian just kept looking at me. Looks like they're waiting for my next words.

"Let's trust Yu this time. He'll call when he needs help." I said more.

I can't believe I just said something so cool like this. Maybe because I'm still sick. I sound really cool.

"You sure?" Ray asked.

Why did he ask such a question. It makes me doubt my self.

But. I nodded my head.

"What if something happen to Yusuke?" Then Tian just made it worse.

"Let's not say something like that. I hate to say this but this jerk Aaron, seems like he really like Yu. He won't hurt Yu." I tried to think positive.

"Did you forget what that bastard did to Yu a year ago?" Ray asked.

"He even tried to kidnap Yusuke just a month ago." Tian added.

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