23. Finding Yu

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Sam's pov.

He's not at home. His phone still can't be reached. No one at school saw him. No one around the school saw him either.

We are clueless.

Even Ray who has known Yu for years has no idea about where he is right now. Or where he was when this also happened a year ago.

After I couldn't find him around the school, and Ray couldn't find him in his house. We ran into each other for a while but then we split up again to continue looking for Yu around the city.

We couldn't report him to the police because he hadn't been missing for 24 hours. And it's not like we have any evidence that Yu was kidnapped or anything like that. He was purely running away. Ray has been through this too last year as he said.

The sun has set and we still don't have any clue about Yu at all. I'm even more worried now. What if something happened to him. What if he did something stupid, like what he did on the rooftop that time.

Damn it Yu, you better not do anything stupid like that again.

Then we decided to meet up again at the coffee shop and think about where Yu would go. Wandering aimlessly might just be a waste of our time. We also need to think about it.

"What about his other family?" I asked Ray, looking for all possibilities.

Ray shook his head slowly, "His dad's family is at japan, Yu never know them, and his mother is an orphan to begin with."

I sighed softly. Yu really has no one.

"What about his old house, the house he lived with his parents before?" Tian suggested another possibility.

Ray shook his head again, "I've been there and asked the person who live there right now, they never see Yu before."

The three of us sighed together.

Where is he.

"Last year, why did he disappear?" I asked Ray curious.

Ray looked at me, he seemed hesitant to tell us about it or not.

"Ray.." I called him desperately. I mean, this isn't the time to think about whether or not it's right to talk about Yu's problem.

"Okay tell me first. What happened before he disappeared again this time?" asked Ray.

"That.. I don't know."

Wait, is it because of his friend this morning.

Tian looked at me and widened his eyes, it seems he also thought the same.

"That guy before?" Guess Tian.

"What guy?" Ray asked curiously.

"This morning, a guy came to our school, he called Yusuke but Yusuke didn't look at him at all." Tian explained.

"Who?" Ray asked again.

"I thought he was his friend, from his old school, he was wearing a different uniform." I explained too.

"But Yusuke said he's not." Tian added.

Ray took a deep breath and sneered, "Tall good looking guy?"

"He's not that good, but he is tall." Tian said.

"He's not that tall." I denied it quickly. We were about the same height. I don't know him but I hate that guy.

"You know him?" I asked Ray, he seemed to know this person.

"Aaron. Damn it how could he find Yu." Ray cursed out.

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