58. Keep moving

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Yu's pov.

"You want another drink?"

Sam asked me after I finished my drink. I nodded my head slightly as I still thirsty even though I finished two glasses already.

"Wait here." Sam said then he's gone between the people.

I laughed softly as I find this party is pretty fun.

I don't like to dance. I will never dance. But it's fun to see other people dance. Especially Tian. He's really funny.

I've seen this kind of things on that club before. But this is way more fun than that time.

"Enjoy the party?"

Someone suddenly whispered to my ear from the back. I know this voice. What is he doing here?

But before I turned my head to see him, he covered my mouth with something. I tried to struggle, but then.. I lost my conscious.

I didn't completely lost it for a few minutes. I managed to let out my phone and try to call Sam, but then.. then that was the last thing I could remember. Me trying to call Sam.

And now I wake up somewhere with tied hands and feet. I guess I failed to call Sam.

He must be worried about me.

Where is this? I looked around me, it looks like an abandon house. Am I still in the forest?

Well seeing it's really dark outside, I guess I'm still in the forest.

And the fire in front of me. At least he keep me warm.

But where is he? Damn it. I will kill him later for kidnapping me.

What did he thinking with doing this kind of thing? Did he think he's a gangster or something?

"You're awake."

There he is. My kidnapper. Aaron.

"Are you crazy? Let go of me Aaron! Why are you doing this?" I started firing him with words.

Aaron sighed softly then he sit in cross me me behind the fire. He looked calm as someone who just kidnapped a person.

"Aaron!" I shouted his name feeling frustrated.

"Ssh.. quiet Yu. We're in the middle of forest. What if turned out there is a tiger here and you calling it here?" He spoke nonsense.

"Are you kidding me? Really? Let go of me. Now. You hear me?" I asked him again.

Aaron nodded his head slowly. "I hear you. But sorry. I can't do that." He said calmly.

Something is wrong. There is something wrong with Aaron. He's way too calm.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him again more calmly.

Aaron stared at me and smiled softly. "Well.. I just want you to stay with me." He said softly.

Then he stood up and coming closer to me. I backed away as soon as he came closer.

"I've told you that I will never let you go, Yu." He said as his face come closer.

"So you kidnap me?" I asked him again.

"You gave me no choice. I have to do this." Aaron replied casually then he sit properly beside me.

"And what will you do after this? Ask for a ransom money?" I asked him as I scoffed softly.

That's what a kidnapper do. But he might be forget, I don't even have parents.

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