40. Decision

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Sam's pov.

I can't believe what I just heard. It feels unreal. This is not what I expected. I don't know what to say now.

"Then go."

Yu said after I told him everything.

Just the two words. But hell it really hurt.

I kept silent and staring at Yu who give me his soft smile. He said it with so much confidence and so much certainty on his face, on his voice, on his eyes. He really told me to go.

"We might never see each other at all for 4 years.." I said softly. Just imagine it is torturing.

"Sammy.." Yu called my name softly and tighten his grip on my hands. "We never know what's gonna happen tomorrow.. I don't want you to risk your future just for me."

Risk my future. Is that what you think Yu. But I want my future to be with you. 

"No matter how much you hate your parents, they're still your parents, you won't be here now if not because of them." Yu said again now he's looking sad. He must be remember about his parents.

"If you don't want to go because of me then I will really mad at you. I don't want you to choose me over your parents." He still continue. "Not again.." he muttered really softly the last sentence.

Again? Ah.. that bastard chose Yu over his parents.

Wait he allowed him to did that, but he said he'll get mad at me if I do that. What the hell Yu.

But of course it's all only on my mind. How can I scold this cute kitten.

"Are you gonna leave me when I'm away?" I asked him the most terrifying thought of mine.

Yu giggled softly. "Like I said before, we never know what's gonna happen tomorrow so.. I can't really promise you that Sammy."

He has this sly smile. He teased me. Damn it. But that was hurt Yu.

"Ah sorry, is that hurt you?" He teased me more.

I said nothing. Of course it hurt me.

"Aw come on Sam, I'm just kidding." He said again while swing our hands together.

I still stay quiet. This is really not what I imagine at all. He told me to go, then he can't even promise not to leave me. And here I thought that he loves me like I love him.

"I'm sorry.." He said again softly then he landed a soft kiss at my lips.

Okay that's cheating. My smile comes out automatically. And Yu smiled even more wider.

"I'll wait for you." He said softly. "That's what you wanna hear right?" He's back to teasing me.

"That's what I want you to do Yu." I said sternly.

Yu chuckled softly then nodding his head. "I promise you that I'll wait for you Sam."

Well that's enough for me. Yu is right, we never know what's gonna happen tomorrow but at least we know what we want for now. That's enough for me.

Now I want to kiss him.

"Wo what are you doing?" Yu asked me in surprise when I grabbed his cheek to kiss him again.

"Kiss you." I said lightly then try to do it again.

"Not here, Sammy." He said while giggling and dodge my kiss.

"You just kissed me and I can't do the same?" I asked feeling really unfair.

"Um, only me allowed to do that." Yu said with much confidence.

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