63. Let's do it

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Yu's pov.

Why is it so hot? Why can't I move?

Bad dreams? No.. this is real. I can't move..

Um? What is this? Why am I become a burrito?

"You're up." Sam opened the door and greeted me right away with his charming smile.

Is it just me, or does Sam look extra handsome today? His hair is wet, maybe he just finished shower.

"Your fever is gone now, that's good." He said as he put his cold hand on my forehead.

"It's hot.." I mumbled softly.

"Hm? You still feel hot?" He looked panic and checking me once again.

I giggled softly and shaking my head. I tried to move my tight covered body. How did I end up like this?

"Ah.." Sam said softly then he chuckled and finally help me to take off the blanket.

Now I know how the baby feels when they're being swaddled.

"Sorry. You looked so cute when you're sleeping. I can't help it." Sam said while grinning widely.

"Huh?" I asked him not understand what he meant.

But then Sam just shook his head.

"You're not hungry? You want to eat something?" Sam then asked.

I blinked my eyes a few times. I'm not really hungry. And I don't want to eat anything.

"You have to eat, Yu." Sam said reading my mind.

I nodded slowly. But I don't know what I want to eat.

"What about some meat? Mom has cooked for you." Sam gave me an idea.

"You should have said that from the start." I said softly but throwing my glare to Sam.

It was a waste of time to thinking.

"Well if you said anything else, I'll buy it for you, or we can go out if you want."

I shook my head right away, "No, your mom has cooked for us, let's eat here." I said as I getting up and ready to go down.

"She's your mom. And she cooked for you." Sam said with a straight face.

I laughed softly when I see his silly face.

"Yu." He called me suddenly.


I looked up at him, but then Sam get down on his knees in front of me. He held my hands, but then he just stay like that, staring down at my hands while kept fiddling it.

"Sammy." I called him softly.

He finally lifted up his face and stared at my face. He gave me a smile for a second but then he sighed and looked down again.

"Let's do it."

"Do what?" I asked him because that was so sudden.

Sam sighed softly and tightening his grip on my hands. He sighed one more time then he looked up at my face.

"Let's drop the charge."

I froze. I know that this is what I want yesterday. But..

"Yu." Sam called me and cupping both of my cheeks so that I look at him. "Let's do it. Hm?"

"No." I said slowly. "No Sam. No I was wrong.."

"No. You're not, Yu." Sam said it fast.

How could he say that? After everything..

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