25. It's okay now

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Sam's pov.

It takes more than an hour to get here. Damn traffic jam. What if Yu is not here anymore.

We split up and looked around, asking everyone we met if they might have seen Yu somewhere.

But nothing. No one saw him, and we couldn't find him anywhere.

We still haven't give up and keep looking for Yu. To the place that it's getting darker and it's getting harder to find him.

We meet again after 10 minutes, with no one brought any good news.

Where is he.

We stopped at the side of the road, then I could faintly hear the sound of the waves. I remember there was a beach at the end of that road. But it must be very dark in there, and cold. I remember what I said to Yu this morning. He should be here by now to know that I was right. The beach is not hot at night.

"The beach." I muttered softly. 

Ray and Tian looked at me confused. 

"But he said he hate beach." I muttered to myself again.

"Who?" Ray asked. 

It was too quiet here so even though I was muttering to myself, they could hear it clearly,

"Yu." I told him shortly.

Ray laughed softly, "He likes beach. If you ask him between mountain or beach, he would choose beach."

"But this morning he said that he hate it." I said to Ray. This is not a competition about who knows Yu better, but I don't want to lose.

"Yu liked the sound of the waves. And I've asked him to hike with me and he's always said no. He said he'd rather go to the beach than go hiking." Ray doesn't seem to want to lose either.

We're glaring at each other, this stupid heartless cousin.

"What are you two doing?" Tian came between us and asked. 

I snorted in annoyance. Should he brag that he knows Yu better right now. He is damn annoying. 

"We're here to find Yu.." Tian said again.

He's right. We are here to find Yu. I looked towards the beach again. It's quite far from here but I can hear the waves. So Yu liked this sound. It's actually calming. The sound of the waves.

Wait. He likes beach. He likes the sound of the waves. What if he's right there. 

I wasted no time and started running towards the beach. I remove the sling on my arms because damn it was disturbing and uncomfortable. I ran with all my might. Yu must be there. 

Ray and Tian followed me from behind. I don't know if they have the same thoughts as me or not. But they kept their pace to keep up with me.

The sound of the waves crashing gets louder as I get closer to the shore. My heart is beating so fast. Because I ran and because I was nervous, or excited, I firmly believed in my instincts that Yu was here. He must be here.

I stopped when I reached the beach, stood on the sand and looked around the beach. It's a long coastline, so it might be a little difficult to find Yu. But I won't give up.

"Yu!" I started screaming his name. "Yusuke!"

Ray and Tian finally get behind me and started screaming out his name too.


I kept looking around. There's no one here. None at all. And it's really dark. Where is he.

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