36. A test

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Sam's Pov.

"You're not coming home? Where were you last night?" Tian asked me as soon as he see me this morning at school.

I looked around right away, luckily there is no one near us. Yu went to toilet before we get in the class.

"How did you know?" I asked him back. How did he know that I didn't come back home last night.

Tian looked at me from head to toe. I do the same, there's nothing wrong with me.

"It's not yours." He said slowly.

I cleared my throat, I forgot that Tian has a good eyes. Yu's clothes is too tight for me too, so I let the shirt opened and put a t-shirt under it. It's not really my style, but this is the only way to wear it properly.

"You guys spending the night together?" Tian asked again sneering at me, "All night long?" Again with a wide eyes.

"Stop it." I said trying to escape from him.

"What did you do? What did you do?"

Tian and his curiosity. I really want to smack his head, but there are too many people around us.

"It's none of your business, Tian. Stop it." I said whispering.

"Did you do it? Did you do it?" He still hasn't give up.

"Shut up."

"You did it right? Right?"

Gosh this idiot really testing my patience.

"Did what?" Yu suddenly in front of us and asking what he heard from Tian's mouth.

Tian grinned wider and about to put his arms on Yu's shoulder but I smack his hands before he do that. He hissed softly and glared at me, but I just glared him back. How dare he talked about dirty stuff to my innocent Yu.

"Don't mind him, Tian is just saying stupid things." I said to Yu then push his back gently to keep walking.

"What stupid things?" Yu asked me.

Well Yu and his curiosity too, but unlike Tian who make me annoyed, Yu has this innocent face that it make me smile. He looks so cute.

I just shake my head, I won't let Tian saying things like that to Yu. Not to my Yu.

"We have test for today." The math teacher says first as he get in the class.

A loud protest come out from every direction in the class. Well it's a sudden test. Of course they'll protest it.

Yu has already put his head on the table earlier and wake up because of the commotion. He looked blank, he must be confused about why is everyone screaming and all. He looks really cute.

The teacher gave us the test sheet anyway. I checked the questions first, it's not that hard. Then I looked at Yu, he still look sleepy but then he start to work on the paper.

He always sleep at math, and as far as I know he never study, we were definitely not study last night. But it looks like he's doing just fine.

I smiled slightly and start to do the test for myself. I keep glancing over Yu time to time just if maybe he needs my help.

But until we're done, Yu didn't ask for my help at all. It was Tian who keep looking back and ask me for answer.

"I'm hungry.." Yu said softly when the bell for break rang.

"Me too, let's eat." I said then ruffling his back hair.

We didn't have breakfast this morning because we're both overslept. It's lucky that we didn't late for school.

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