89. #SamYu

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Sam's pov.

Today is just an ordinary day. I mean it should be that day, but why is something feels off.

We're just arrived at the school, I know that some girls like to wait for me until I get down of the car, but there are a lot more today. And some of them, they're even wearing different uniforms. Aren't they from other school? But why are they here?

"Hm?" Yu asked me because I stopped the car, but I just stay inside and even hold his hand from moving out.

"Wait, just.." I said but then looked around again. Something really feels off.

"Is there an event or something? Why are there so many people outside?" Then Yu asked. See, even Yu realized that something is wrong.

But he's right. Maybe there is an event or something like that. Why didn't I think about this?

I smiled at him and ruffled his hair. My smart boyfriend.

"Um, there might be it." I said.

Yu just smiled back at me, then we got out from the car.

But that's when the things go worse. Those people, mostly girls, they're taking our picture right from we're getting out of the car, and they even screamed when I come over to Yu's side.

What's wrong with these people?

"Sam! Yusuke!"

Then Tian came shouting our name in whisper, kinda, with his panic face.

Why does he look panic?

"Come here." Tian said and lead us to the other way, he asked us to get through the plants to get inside the school.

"What the hell, Tian. There is a better road over there." I refused.

I won't risk Yu to get blisters from the plants. His leg hasn't get that well too.

"No, listen to me, they will eat you." Tian said again in whisper.

"What do you mean?" Yu asked in confuse then he looked around.

Yeah, what the hell does he mean?

"This way."

Then Jack showed up behind the plants, and helped us to open it up like a curtain so that we can go through it easily.

What the hell is happening?

Yu looked at me before he move. I gave him a slight nod. I don't trust Tian, but even Jack is here. Maybe there is something happen for real.

I pushed Yu first, let Jack hold his hand to go through, then I walked behind him, and Tian followed us.

This is a shortcut to the school. But still I don't know why I should go through all of this.

"What happen?" I asked Tian.

"You okay?" Jack asked Yu, they walked in front of us.

I saw Yu nodded his head and smiled softly to Jack. Seems like Jack notice that Yu walked a little funny, but he did nothing except he keeps his hand behind Yu's back, without touching it. He knows so well that I don't like Yu being touch by other people. So I let him walk with Yu.

"Last night, someone post this on internet, and it went viral over one night." Tian opened his phone and show me the video that he meant.

I looked at it without stopping my walk.

It was a video of me and Yu, yesterday, there are two clips, the first is when I carried Yu on my arms, and the second is when I carried Yu on my back.

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