91.Get better soon

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Sam's pov.

How can someone looks this beautiful when he's sleeping? Oh but he's my boyfriend. My beautiful boyfriend. Really beautiful.

I couldn't stop myself from starring at my boyfriend, my Yu. The sun has rise a few hours ago. I don't know if the flood has receded or not. More like I don't even care. I want to keep staying here with Yu.

I stroked Yu's hair slowly, he's sound sleeping, then a sudden thought come to my head. Is he okay?

I know that Yu has been down these past few days, because of the rumors.

I tried my best to stay with him, as I want him to know that this time, even though everyone know about us, I won't leave him. I'm not like his fucking ex who left him that day but then begging him to come back after he's gone.

I mean, I probably learn it from that jerk, that I don't want to be like him, that's why I won't leave Yu.

But looks like, Yu is still bother with it. Even if he kept telling me that he's okay, I know that he's not.

My beautiful boyfriend could be so stubborn sometimes.

I was still stroking his hair when suddenly Yu flinched in his sleep. Does he have a nightmare? So I move my hand to his chest, and patted on it gently.

"Ssh.. It's okay, I'm here.." I whispered quietly to him. Then Yu stopped grunting.

I smiled softly feeling proud to myself because it always works.

Maybe I should find some food now. Yu must be starving when he wake up. He ate so little last night and even skip his lunch. I would scold him if he doesn't look not okay, but since he looks so down especially yesterday, I just followed what he wanted. Including coming here. Which is I am very grateful of it now.

I put my almost dry clothes on, then leave the room without making any sound. I don't want to wake Yu up. He did a hard work last night. Because of me.

I walked out from the hotel, trying to find some food, but I don't really know what I want, or what Yu want, but anyway.

"Oh young man. Come here, try this." An old woman call me and gave a taste of the bread that she sell.

I smiled widely and tried it. It's good.

"1 dolar for two? You want it?" She asked.

Well, I've eaten her food, I guess I'll buy it then.

"Okay. Just give two." I said as I took my wallet out.

"Ey, buy 4 then I'll give you 1 free. Okay?" She asked again.

Am I being cheated? But well whatever. I bet Yu will like it too.

And in the end, after around 30 minutes of walking around the hotel, I brought back 5 bread, 2 bubble tea, a box of fried chicken, a box french fries, and a pizza. It's a little too much for breakfast, I know. But I just couldn't say no to them. People around here are just so nice.

And I don't think that Yu will eat it all. Or maybe he's still sleeping.

I stopped at the front of the door and laughed softly. My hands are full so that I couldn't even open the door. I must look so silly now.

But somehow I managed to put the key and open the door with the help of my elbow. I'm so great.

"Oh Yu. You have wake up." I said as soon the door open and I looked Yu who sit still on the bed.

"I bought a lot of food, just eat what you want." I said then put the food on the table.

But why Yu did not answering me?

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