33. Date

407 25 12

Sam's pov.

What should I wear today, white shirt? Is it too formal? The black tee? Is it too casual? Gosh is it normal to feel nervous on my first date?

I stand in front of the mirror and keep smiling. Today is gonna be great. I hope so. I've prepared it since last night. Damn I couldn't even sleep well last night because I'm too nervous. It's Yu's fault, he shouldn't told me that I'm the best boyfriend, now I really try hard to be the one.

"Young master." I heard a knock followed by auntie's voice.

"Auntie!" I shouted excitedly, I'll ask her to help me choose the clothes for today.

I opened the door widely with a big smile but then lose it in instant. Auntie is not alone, mom is here too.

"Mom." I called her in small voice straightening my body.

Mom stayed quiet and looked inside my room, I cleared my throat softly, my clothes were scattered on my bed, she must be look at that.

"Going somewhere?" Mom asked with her cold tone as usual.

"Yes." I answered shortly.

"Where?" She asked again.

I didn't answer that. She'll make a fuss if she know where I'm going to go.

"With who?" She changed her question.

"Friend." I replied in small voice. I hate to lie, but mom will make a fuss too if she know Yu is my boyfriend. I have to keep it for myself in the mean time.

"A girl?" She asked again.

I looked at mom's face. She never asked me these many questions before. What's wrong with her.

"Is there something you need to say?" I asked her another question instead of answering her question.

"You dad is coming tonight." She said softly.

Oh shit. Not tonight.

"Don't come home too late." She said again then leave.

I froze. I thought she would ask me to not go or ask me to come back at dinner. We always have dinner together when dad is home. It only happened once in few months after all. It's a little weird, but anyway this is good.

My smile curved up right away after mom take a leave. Auntie was still here and smiled at me.

"Auntie." I called her whispering. "Help me."

Auntie bow her head slightly then come in my room.

And here I am, waiting for Yu in front of his flat, with all black on me. It was useless asking help from auntie.

I mean, I was being honest with her and told her that I'm going to date. And she told me to wear something colorful, but no, that's not my style. I only wear colors in family events. But that's not me, I don't want to be that person in front of Yu.

I told Yu I was here 5 minutes ago. Maybe I should have going up there to his room, but Yu never allowed me. He said his room is at the fourth floor so it's tiring to go up and down the stairs. I wouldn't mind it actually.

Yu finally show up after the next 5 minutes, he got in the car, and panting hard.

I looked at him confused. He looks like he's run around the field 10 times. I thought he said he hates sweating.

"Sorry.." He said while still panting hard, "I overslept."

I smiled and combed his messy hair with my hand. "So you just wake up when I called you?"

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