66. No it's not jealousy

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Sam's pov.

Yu always fall asleep after he cried. Well I experience it myself just now, it is exhausting after all the cry.

Damn. Did I just cry in front of Yu? How embarrassing. I must be look so ugly earlier. Unlike Yu who always looks stunning beautiful at whatever he does including when he's crying, I must be look like a shrek.

Yu flinched a little in his sleep, I shushed him softly, kept caressing at his arms so that he's back to his deep sleep.

I sighed softly. What will I do if I have to go after this? What about Yu?

I have all of these thought but then I remember something. Mom is about to get home around this hour. Should I tell her? But she might be freak out if she knows Yu got the attack again.

But maybe I should tell her anyway. She is Yu's Mom now.

I was about to leave, but before that, I landed a soft kiss at Yu's cheek. And whispered to him quietly, "I'll be right back." Then another kiss on his lips.

Yu's not moving at all. That's good, I didn't wake him up.

But it such a waste to leave him like this. A little more kiss won't wake him up, right?

So I kiss him again, on his left cheek, the right cheek might get jealous so I kiss there too. His forehead, his nose, and of course his lips.

Okay, that's enough. He might really wake up if I keep kissing him.

Damn it. I want to kiss him all over his cute face while he's sleeping like this. I must be a real pervert.

I have to stop it. I should not act like this.

"How is he?"

Auntie scared me to death with her sudden appearance in front of the door. Luckily I could hold my scream. But then I look at her again, seems like she's been here for a while.

"How long you've been here?" I asked her quietly, then close the door behind me, quietly.

"Earlier. How is master Yusuke?" She asked again.

She must be worried about Yu. Of course. Since the first time she met Yu, she always worry about him, even more than me.

"He's sleeping." I told her softly.

Auntie sighed softly. Her eyes still red after all the cry scene. I guess this is the first time ever I've seen her cried like that. Oh wait, I shouldn't have said that, I cried even worse.

"He'll be fine, right?" Auntie then asked in small voice.

I nodded my head slowly and smile at her, "He will. Don't worry too much."

Auntie nodded her head but then she started to cry again.

"Ey.. I said don't worry, then why are you cry again.." I told her softly while caressing her arm to calm her down.

Auntie keeps her head down, she didn't say anything and just kept crying for a while. And I couldn't say anything either and just kept caressing her arms. I don't know what should I do in this kind of situation.

Then suddenly Auntie slaps my arm. That was so sudden that I was taken aback.

"What? Why?" I asked her in confused.

"Don't you dare to hurt him again, I will never forgive you if you hurt him." Auntie then said.

"Auntie, I'm not the one who hurted him, he's like that not because of me. It's because of that jerk." I told her. This is unfair.

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