27. It still hurt

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Sam's pov.

"Sorry." Tian said again still not moving from the door.

I really wanted to curse him out but the words just not come out. Damn this stupid good for nothing friend.

Tian was still standing there looking all guilty on his face. Finally I was able to stand up and looked at Yu's face.

"Is your fever back?" I panicked for a second and checked his forehead because his face was completely red now.

He just blinked his eyes, he still hiding half of his face under the blanket. I don't think the red is from a fever, he's just embarrassed.


"Where is Ray?" I cleared my throat then asked Tian tried to distract the situation.

Tian looked surprised. "He's not here?" He asked back.

"He didn't come back last night." I said as I sit on the chair beside Yu's bed, facing Tian.

Tian was still standing at the door, he didn't dare to step in yet.

"That's weird, he's already gone this morning." Tian mumbled softly.

I could hear him faintly but I don't really understand him.

"What do you mean?"

Tian cleared his throat and shook his head. Trying hard to make a straight face. "Nothing. I don't know where Ray is."

I squinted my eyes at him but whatever it is, it's actually good that Ray isn't here. Or I won't be able to have the best moment of my life before. Damn, I feel angry again thinking about Tian ruining it.

But still that was great. I hope Yu felt great too.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked Tian again. It's still morning and Tian is wearing his uniform. But instead of going to school, here he is. Ruined the best moment of my life.

"Yeah.. about that." Tian said softly then looked at Yu.

I glanced at Yu over my shoulder, he was already sitting on his bed and looking at Tian.

"When I went to school this morning, I saw these two people standing in front of our school gate." He started his story. It's gonna be a long story, I could guess it from the way Tian talked slowly.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"They're wearing the same uniform like that bastard yesterday." Tian said in small voice.

I cleared my throat, Tian too, we're both glanced at Yu but his face doesn't show any expression. Yu is always good at hiding his feeling.

"They ask everyone if they know you. So I approached them, and asked who they were. I thought they might be friends of that bastard too, but, one of them suddenly cried when I asked them, so.."

Yu giggled softly. I turned back to look at him. He looked sad but he laughed. Maybe there really was something wrong with his head. Was it because the kiss earlier? Did I make him worse?

"They said they really want to meet you."

Tian said again and he continued to look to the side. I wonder why. But then I could hear people whispering softly from outside. I guess Tian is not alone.

"They said they want to say sorry." Tian delivered the whispering to Yu.

I looked back at Yu, he was still smiling but his eyes looked sad. Who are these two people?

"It's okay. You can come in." Yu said a little loud.

I guess he was talking to the people who kept whispering to Tian outside. Well I want to know too. Even though there is no way that I know them, but still.

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