86. It's good

128 9 3

Sam's pov.

Should I ask Mom? Talk to her? But what should I say again? Like, Mom.. about the college.. I mean, damn, I just imagine it in my head but still I can't say it.

I mean, Dad is not here, I mean, maybe, just maybe, is it okay if I don't go college overseas. I want to stay here, with Yu, I don't want to go.

But it's been days, Mom barely got home so I barely met her. She always gone in the morning before we even awake, but she made sure that our breakfast is ready, and she came back late at night, when we were sleeping.

I don't know much about Mom's work, but is she always work this hard? I never really put any attention into it. Until now. Because I want to talk to her.

But anyway, it's been a few days, I still waiting for the time that I can talk to Mom, while I'm being glad, that Yu is really back. He's a lot better now.

He smiles a lot, laughs a lot, and loves me a lot. And one thing, he studies a lot.

I asked him why he studies a lot more than usual and his answer is just because the exam is coming.

It's still in 2 month by the way, but what could I say to Yu. I just stay with him in our breaktime and go to the library instead of the cafetaria or rooftop. Damn, I miss the rooftop. It's been a while.

"You don't have to be here with me if you are bored." Yu whispered to me.

We're at the library now, and we're not even suppose to talk. But Yu start it first, so..

"I'm fine." I told him with a smile, and a soft stroke on his head.

Yu smiled back at me and then get his focus back on the book. It's a thick book, just looking at it is already makes me dizzy.

I sighed softly as I looked around. There are a few people here and all of them are studying.

Wish I could tell them that study hard is not gonna help you with anything, you have to be born with it, being smart I mean.

Wish I could say the same to my boyfriend.

But, isn't he smart? He got a perfect score at math even though he always sleep on that lesson.

"You're not going to the cafe?" I asked Yu after school and he said he want to go home.

Yu shook his head. "Ray doesn't really need me anymore. He has a new employee."

Right, Belle.

"So you're not working at that place anymore?" I asked Yu again. I'm happy to hear it.

Yu laughed softly. "Let's just say that Ray fired me."

"You're okay with it? I mean.. it's okay for me even if you're not working. I don't have my own money for now, but I'm sure that Mom is okay with feeding you and pay for your school, if you're okay with it.." I told him softly, trying not to offend him. "And I rather you to stay at home when I got a job someday. I'll be the one who work my ass and get some money for us."

Yu laughed when he heard my last sentence.

"Well.. I feel bad actually. That I live and eat at your house, but I'll find a way to pay it all, someday.." Yu said with a big smile, "I need to focus on something for now." Then he continued quietly.

"Focus on what?" I asked curiously.

"Exam." Yu replied fast. But why doesn't it sound to be honest.

"Why do you study so hard for the exam?" Then I asked him. I couldn't hold it anymore.

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