94. New chapter

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Yu's pov.

Fighting. Not giving up. It was all easier to said than to be done.

It's been a week, and I still can't find the scholarship.

Damn it. I started to feel desperate. What if I really can't get any of scholarship, then what will I do? What will we do?


I lifted my head slowly when I heard Sam called me. There he is, looking at me with his soft smile. But it makes me want to cry even more.

"It's okay.." Then he said softly as he stroked my head.

I pouted my lips and suck up my snot back. I'm not crying, it's just I want to cry. But Sam's smile really save me. It makes me think that everything is okay even though I know that he's not okay.

"I started to feel jealous with your laptop. You kept staring at it whole day." Then Sam said while he put his chin on my shoulder. He sat behind me, then he wrapped his hands around me. This is really comfortable.

But I laughed softly when I heard that he's jealous over a laptop. My boyfriend is stupid.

"What is that?" Then Sam asked.

I looked at what he pointed.

"Spam." I told him then closed the pop-up notification. "Maybe because I searched a lot of this kind of things, I kept getting spams like this."

Sam said nothing and just kept looking at the laptop.

"Have you ever tried to open it?" Then he asked.

I shook my head. "What if it's a virus."

But then Sam moved his hand and typed something. He typed the name of the what I thought could be a virus before.

"Hm?" I wondered why he search it on web.

"Who knows. Maybe it's worth it." Sam muttered softly.

He still lean his chin on my shoulder. So I just let him do whatever he wants, I'll just lean my back on him then, and my head to his shoulder. This is really comfortable.

"I don't think that this is a spam." Then Sam said.

I looked at the screen lazily. Sam kept reading whatever on it, too much words, it makes me dizzy. I'm so done with reading that much words.

"Yu." Sam called me.


"Look, I think this one is real." Sam said again.

But I was on my comfort position, I don't want to move.

"Yusuke.." But then Sam moved his chest so that I sit straightly. Damn it. "Look." He said again.

I looked at the screen again. What is it that he want me to look again? It's all just words.

"Let's try this one." Sam said.

I glanced at him, he looks excited. That's good, that's what good about Sam, he really never give up.

And I shouldn't too.

So I nodded my head. But I still lazy to fill the form. "Can you fill it for me? I'm just so tired to fill it."

Sam laughed softly. "Um, I'll do it, you can just sit still." He said and started to type everything that needed there.

I smiled widely, then leaned back again on him. It's good that I have Sam as my boyfriend.

Sam's pov.

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