83. Restless

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Sam's pov.

Days passed by. We're back to our normal life. School, study, basketball, Yusuke..

After that day, when Mom found out about what happened to Yu, she scolded Yu so bad. Really bad that it surprised me.

Mom got out from the house, I guess the talk with Dad didn't work. She bought another house, and forced me and Yu to live with her. Not that I object it, it's good, I mean, staying with Yu. It just, it's still amaze me how much Mom did for us. For Yu.

We never really talked about what happen on that day. Mom scolded Yu really bad that day but she never asked more. I never asked about it too. And Yu never talked about it.

Honestly, I was curious about what happen. What made Yu think to stab himself? What made him has the thought?

But I thought if I ask Yu, then he will remember about that day and the guilt he feels inside. It will be like opening the hole that Yu tried to patch on his heart.

I don't want that to happen.

Let's just, let it pass, and enjoy the day, and the next day after, together, we'll just go through everything together.

One thing for sure is, my love for Yu is growing even bigger than before. And maybe Yu's love for me too. Or so I hope.

But things are not always go exactly like what we want, isn't it? I mean, even if we are so in love at each other. We can fight too.

"I told you no, Sam." Yu said sternly.

"Just this once Yu, try it." I tried to persuade him again.

"No." Yu said.

Damn, he's so stubborn.

"But carrots are good for your health." I told him sternly back.

"But I don't like it." Yu said.

"You never even try it, how can you know that you don't like it." I said back.

Yu stared at me. "Because I don't even want to try it."


"Cut it out, Sam. Let Yu eat what he wants." Mom comes between us, and bring more meats to Yu's plate.

Yu smiled to Mom with his eyes closed.

"Mom, don't spoil him too much." I said sternly to Mom.

"Why? Why can't I? Yu is my precious son." Mom said while cupping both of Yu's cheeks that it made him looks like a cute squirrel. Really cute.

Yu just kept smiling and let Mom does everything. Mom then took a seat beside him, and kept looking at Yu eating. Mom even wiped Yu's mouth when it's not even dirty. What the hell, Mom.

"Fine. Whatever. I don't care." I mumbled softly. Yu never listen to me lately, he listened to Mom more than me.

"Are you jealous?" Mom asked me.


"Ey.. you're jealous, aren't you."

"No." I said again without looking at them.

Damn I am jealous.

But then I heard their giggles. I lifted my head and stared at them. How could they laugh at me, together. But well, it's not a bad sight, so I'll just enjoy it.

Yu is always beautiful when he laughs, he looks beautiful all the time. And I just know that Mom looks beautiful too when she laughs.

Well, I just grateful for this moment.

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