43. Again

355 24 6

Sam's pov.

"What the hell happened?" Tian asked again after Yu left.

Damn it. I was lost in my emotion. How could I say those stupid words to Yu. He must be really hurt now.

"Did you fight? What did you say to him?" Tian threw another question.

"I.." I wanted to say it but damn, just thinking about it now, even me, I feel so angry with my own words.

"I'm so stupid Tian." I muttered softly.

I wanted to follow him but my head hurts so bad when I get down from the bed. Luckily Tian caught me before I hit the floor.

"Woah Sam, careful." Tian said as he helped me to stand.

"What should I do?" I asked Tian a stupid question.

"Go after him!" Tian pushed me.

I almost fall, again. What's the use to helped me before if in the end he's the one pushed me away. Luckily this time it's the table that saved me.

"Tian.." I called his name softly. This is the first time ever that I called his name this soft. Ever.

"Help me." I said again. This is the first time ever too that I asked his help desperately.

Tian stared at me for a second then sighed softly. He said nothing but then he helped me to stand up.

"Yu looked angry. Don't go after him, give him some times." Tian said with a serious face that I haven't seen in awhile.

Maybe Tian is right. Maybe Yu needs his time for a while.

"Now tell me what happened." Tian said again.


"Damn, Sam. I would be angry too if Ray do the same." Tian raised his voice showing his frustated face.

"Really?" I asked him because I thought that I was overreacted.

"Hell of course!" He said again. "But.. what Yusuke said is right too. He must be hurts.." Now he spoke softly.

"Right.." I replied softer.

"But just thinking that Ray do the same is really annoying." Tian said again.

"Tian. Which side are you? Can you decide it first?" I'm getting more headache listening to Tian who keep changing side.

Tian cleared his throat softly then answered, "You. Of course I'm on your side."

I smiled slightly. Well he knew me longer than Yu. Not like I wanted Tian to support me for getting angry to Yu. But anyway.

"But still you have to say sorry to him, Sam." Tian changed his side again.

"I did." I really did.


"He said nothing. Then you came. Gosh Tian you always came in the worst time."

"Sorry. Really."

I just sighed. Then I looked at my watch, it's been 10 minutes and Yu hasn't come back yet.

"I'll go after him." I said can't wait any longer.

Tian said nothing and followed me to the bathroom but we didn't find Yu there. This is the closest bathroom, maybe he went to the other ones. But then we didn't find him anywhere.

"Didn't he say he need to go to bathroom?" Tian asked innocently.

Stupid Tian, of course it just an excuse. I'm trying to call him but he's not answering. Damn it.

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