16. Sorry

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Sam's pov.

"Yu.." I called his name in the smallest voice.

Yu is lying on the couch, I can't really see his face but because he's not answering so I guess he is asleep.

"Yusuke." I try to called again whispering.

I should have raise my voice but no I don't want to wake him up.

I keep walking to him and finally squatted down in front of the couch, Yu is fast asleep. He doesn't even recognize my presence at all.

I stared at Yu's sleeping face, I know I look like a pervert right now, but damn, his sleeping face is really beautiful. But he looks cute too. His mouth is pouting a little. So cute.

"Yu.." I just want to keep calling his name. It feels so good that I can finally look at his face again.

I laughed in silence. I'm so stupid. I saw him today too, but why does it feel like I haven't see him in years. But I really miss him. So much that it driving me crazy.

I still admiring Yu's beauty, then Yu is suddenly furrowed his eyebrows.

Is he having a nightmare? Or because he's not feeling well as Ray said earlier? A headache?

I raised my hand unconsciously and touch his forehead, he's not having a fever, that's relieving. Then I move my finger to between his eyebrows, it knotted together so badly. It was actually cute but Yu is looked like he's in pain. I try to massaged his forehead softly. I keep massaging it until the knotted is finally gone.

I was scared if Yu awake for a moment but thankfully he's still fast asleep.

He must be really tired, he doesn't even wake up when I touch him. It makes me want to touch him more. Will he feel better if I caress his hair like this. I always want someone to caress my hair like this too when I'm asleep. So I just do it to Yu now.

I smile to myself. Yu is always be the first person I do everything for someone.

I keep caressing his hair until suddenly Yu hold my hand, I was so surprised because I thought Yu was awake. But then I realized that his eyes is still closed. 

So Yu hold my hand subconsciously, that is really cute.

"That surprise me." I muttered to myself softly. 

I keep admiring his face and of course I can't help but to smile, until Yu slowly open his eyes. We're staring at each other for a few second until Yu screamed, and I screamed too.

He must be really surprised. Well he surprised me too. Yu wake up abruptly and makes me do the same thing, but unlucky me, I didn't know there is a table behind me so my head hit it, and damn that was hurt. 

And the vase on top of the table is crashed on the floor.

"What happened?" Ray is opened the door widely with his panic voice. 

He must be heard the broken vase sound. 

Yu is now sitting on the couch, looking confused between me and Ray. Of course he is confused, he just wake up, because of me.

"Nothing. It just.." I tried to explain, but what should I say. "Let me resurrecting for a moment." I said instead because my head is hurt like hell.

Yu now looking at me with pity. Well that's better, at least he looks at me.

"I'm fine." I said forcing myself to smile. 

"Let me see it." Yu said softly.

"No, it's okay. I.." I tried not to trouble him but the way he looked at me now, it's not a pity anymore, damn he's still angry to me.

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