56. Unpredictable

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Yu's pov.

We need to talk. That was what I say to him. Around 5 minutes ago. But hell I can't really say anything.

And Aaron, he just stay quiet too. I guess he's change now. He used to be the one who kept talking to me. But looks like he can't say anything just like me.

"How are you?" Aaron is finally break the silence.

I was surprise because the first thing he ask is how am I.

It makes me ask myself. How am I?

"I'm good." I told him softly.

Great, actually. But somehow I couldn't say it, while looking at his not that great condition.

"I miss you." He said in tiny voice.

I turned my head to look at him, but Aaron keep his head down. It's really not like him. Aaron who I know, he never speak this soft and this unconfidence. Where is the Aaron that I know?

But why would I even think about that? Why would I want to meet that Aaron?

"You can't, Aaron. We're done." I told him soft and clear.

Aaron is finally lift up his head and staring at me. I was staring at him but when he stared at me back, I chose to diverted my gaze away from him.

"I know. But can we get back, Yu?" He asked seriously.

"No." I told him right away. I sighed softly before I turned my head to look at him again. "No, Aaron. We can't." I said more sternly.

"Why? Because of that man?" He asked.

"I won't get back to you, even if there is no him."

I spoke out the truth. Sam is the best thing in my life, he made me realize about what the real love is. But I am not that stupid to get back with Aaron even though I didn't meet Sam.

I will never get back with him.

"I left house." Aaron suddenly said.

My heart's tightening when I heard that.

"I've left everything. Yu. So that I can get back with you." He said again. "I did everything for you."

I scoffed softly, did I just think that this jerk has changed, what a stupid thought. He will never change.

"Thank God you haven't changed." I mumbled softly. "I almost feel guilty if you change."

Aaron said nothing more and kept staring at me. This guy used to be everything for me, but now that I kept staring at him, I really feel nothing.

Not even the hatred I felt for him after everything happened a year ago. Nothing.

"You did everything for yourself, Aaron. Not for me." I told him softly.

"No.. Yu.. No. It was all for you, Yu. It's always all for you." Aaron whined and tried to hold my hand. But I pull my hand out before he even touched it.

"Then stop it. I never ask you to do anything for me."

It's useless to speak softly to this man. He will never hear me anyway.

Aaron is the type of person who stick to his own thinking without hearing others out. I know him long enough to know this. I realized it long time ago, it's just I realized it now that he's not always right.

"I've given you time, Yu. I've already gave you enough time to think."

"What?" What does he mean with he gave me time.

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