59. Deep sleep

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Yu's pov.

What just happened?

A few hours ago, in the forest, Aaron really lost his sanity, and he attacked us.

He shoved Jack over in one move, then he tried to attack me with a stone on his hand, but then Sam covered me up. So instead of hit me, it hit Sam's head.

Then I was blank. I remember I saw Sam fall down to the ground, with his bleeding head. I remember how I scream frantically. How I cried so hard.

And I remember how Sam still have a smile over his face and said that he's okay, before he closed his eyes, and he didn't wake up even though I kept calling out his name.

Then Ray came, with Tian, and so many strangers came after that. They tried to take Sam away from me. But I don't want to leave Sam. I wanted to stay with him.

I could barely understand what people kept talking around me because I kept my focus on Sam. Only Sam.

I got in the ambulance with him. I kept holding his hand all the way to the hospital. And kept holding his hand while he's been moving to stretcher and to the operation room.

But then the nurse forbid me to get in. And so I have to let go of his hand. I have to let go of his hand and I don't know what to do.

Is it a dream? It's a nightmare. It should be a nightmare.

This can't be real.

What if something bad happen to Sam? What if the worst thing happen to Sam?

And it's all because of me. It's all because of me.

Just if he didn't find me there. Just if I didn't find Aaron there. Just if he didn't love me. Just if we didn't meet in the first place.

It's not gonna happen. All of this. It's not gonna happen.

"Yu.." A soft voice called my name and wake me up from my deep thought.

But seeing her face, my tears burst out right away. It was Sam's mom. She came to me and even has a soft smile on her.

Then she even hugged me really tight. Let me cry over on her embrace.

How dare I. I am the one who make her son hurt. I am the one make her son in danger.

Then why did she hug me this tight.

"It's not your fault.." She said softly in my ear. "It's not your fault, Yu. You hear me? Hm?"

I just kept crying. I can't answer her and just kept crying.

How could she say that it's not my fault. It's all my fault. It's all on me.

"Gosh.. I'm worried about you more than Sam." She said again. "Sam will be okay. He's strong. You know it, right?" She stared at my face.

But I didn't dare to lifted up my head and look at her face.

"He will be fine. Trust me. I put the best doctor in this country for him. He will be fine." She said again more reassuring.

"You hear me, Yu? Hm? Do you hear me?" She asked.

I nodded my head slowly. But I still looked down.

"Lift up you head, and look at me." She said as she kept her hands on my shoulder.

This time I shook my head slowly. I can't.

"Look at me, Yu." She said again more sternly.

I cried a little more but then I lift my gaze up to see her face.

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